(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

And now I feel like a jerk...

I made the assumption, given your post here, that you did not maintain a wishlist/tradelist.  It turns out you do so I apologize for not checking before I replied.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have some in my tradelist; I'll take a look at your inventory and see if I need anything.

FYI this whole mess is much easier if you maintain a tradelist and a wishlist.  Then people can easily find what you want, see if you have what they need and propose a trade to make it official.  Otherwise, you'll be stuck posting on the forums for all your needs which might limit the pool of potential traders.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll have to ask but I believe so.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If you do a lot of collection buying you should hit me up some time.  I have a friend with unopened boxes of revised!


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have just about every card on that list but I can't part with my dual lands and without them there isn't enough value on your wishlist to equal up to the value of the list in this post. 

Essentially, what you're saying is that you want duals or no trade.  I don't think your going to get many takers on that hmm


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

WotC only.  Sorry for not specifying earlier.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thank you all for checking, btw.  I built a Ghave, Guru of Spores EDH deck and keeping track of all the various tokens has gotten out of hand.  It's time to invest in the right tokens out of courtesy for my playgroup smile


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Zargathe wrote:

Hey, I have a few Pegasus tokens from the Anthologies box set from 1998 — they look like this.

I think those are the only Pegasus tokens ever printed by WotC and are the exact ones I am looking for.  If you are willing to part with up to 4 of them please propose a trade.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Specifically I am in need of 1 squirrel token, 4 Pegasus tokens and 2 of the new Sorin vampire tokens.if you have any of these please let me know.

For the record I am extremely excited for this future enhancement.  It would be amazing to skip the 90% of accounts that I can't trade with when hunting down cards.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There are several JS tooltip options noted on the help page (http://deckbox.org/help/tooltips) that are free to use by anyone.

That would be a fine alternative for me, Hellnikko.  It's really the sneaky trades I am worried about and not people seeing my inventory overall.

I agree with this.  More often than not, people will scroll through my inventory and then propose a trade for a card I don't want to trade away.  Then, the only thing preventing me from making a trade that I am not interested in is a little red circle to the right of the card name.  So far, it's been enough but I fear that one day I will make a mistake.  I would certainly rather be able to hide my inventory to prevent the unwanted trades in the first place.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anyone interested in trading for a foil consecrated sphinx?  I am looking to let one go and want to know if anyone here is interested.

Have a look at my wishlist and see if there is anything you have that I want around $25 (less than eBay and SCG).

I have 20 for you.  I will put together a trade shortly and we can see what will work.

I have stacks of foils from throughout the games history, how many are you looking for?

Hello all, I thought I would give some food for thought today and see if you can help me refine a problem EDH deck.  It is my Ghave, Guru of spores deck and I love playing it but I usually lose.  I am pretty sure I know why but I would like to get other opinions on the matter so please don't hesitate to contribute.

Some things worth mentioning:

1.  The main strategy is to put out a bunch of tokens and sac them to control the board through Grave Pact and Butcher of Malakir.  I chose this method over board-clearing effects like Wrath of God and Damnation.

2.  I am contemplating going the "cheese" route and just tossing a bunch of swords and titans in the deck but I was originally trying to avoid that strategy.  Although, there are some seriously devastating synergies with Sun Titan and Necrotic Sliver that I feel I am missing out on.

3.  You don't need to worry about what's in my inventory or not; I can always trade for the cards you suggest if I choose to run them. 

Here is the deck:  http://deckbox.org/sets/143814.  I am excited to see what this group can put together.  Thanks in advance!

I have three I am willing to part with.  Let me have a look at your inventory and I'll put something together.

Hello all.  I finally got around to updating my Tradelist and Wishlist.  There are $1,800 worth of cards on my Wishlist and $1,400 on my tradelist.  Have a look and propose a trade if you're interested in anything.

It sounds great.  I look forward to the enhancements.

I am hoping that this issue affects other users of this site and is henceforth useful to many.  My normal process for trading is to go through my wishlist, pick a card I am chasing and then click on the various users who have this card in their tradelist.  When I find someone with enough value in their tradelist I then start building the trade.  In some cases there are several cards on both sides of the trade and it is a nuisance to retype all of the names and quantities when your system already knew what we both wanted on the previous page. 

So, the request.  Can there be an option on the trading opportunities page (a checkbox perhaps) that adds all the cards from both lists on that page to the new trade window automatically?  From there I can play with the quantities until I get the trade values in line with each other. 

This would also help tremendously in figuring out the overall value of the cards I can/want to trade.  In some cases, I have $50 worth of cards the other user wants and they have $200 worth of cards I want.  Right now I have to copy the lists from the screen to a text file, rework the data, import it into a deck I reserve just for pricing and THEN I can see the value.  Then I have to repeat the process for the other list until I can find the right cards/quantities.  It's would be pretty amazing not to have to do this.

Pretty please?


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Double isn't incorrect in some cases.  you can use ebay or starcitygames as a guide.

I'm not a huge fan of Elite Inquisitor or Spirit Mantle in this deck and I think 4 Loxodon Warhammers is too many.

I would drop a warhammer or two as well as the other cards I mentioned for the following:
2x Oblivion Ring
2x Champion of the Parish
1-2x Vapor Snag

I think the deck will have more consistent games with these changes.

Cerebral Eruption is totally a personal choice, feel free to run it but keep an eye on how effective it is.

Howling Mine is, in my opinion, a dangerous idea.  You're playing a variation of a resource denial deck so the very last thing you want to do is allow your opponents to gain more resources.  I understand that you get them too but it's really not the point; why remove their lands and creatures only to accelerate them into more lands and creatures?  If anything, find ways to draw cards yourself but don't give them any cards.

Price of Glory is OK I suppose; there are only 5 spells you could even use on your opponents turn...  Burning Sands is a really risky card.  It affects you too and you won't be able to protect all of your creatures every time.

I wish you luck sir!

OK, cool.  It's helpful to know what you're up against so I can recommend a certain course of action over another.  In your case I would recommend refining the deck to focus more on land destruction and creature removal.  How about something like this?

-2 Fire servant
-2 Hammer of Bogardan
-2 Cerebral Eruption
-1 Feldon's Cane
-1 Howling Mine
-1 Burning Sands
-1 Price of Glory
-2 Demolish
-1 Mana Flare
-2 Brimstone Mage

+2 Stone Rain
+4 Pillage or Molten Rain
+2 Lightning Bolt
+2 Meekstone
+1 Charmbreaker Devils
+3 Circle of flame