(3 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nici eu nu mai pot azi sad


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Regarding the top decks in the events, for each game you can see the top 3 decks here: http://deckbox.org/games/mtg/events (for MtG), but true, there is no filter in the decks page for this smile


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

De unde îs astea?

I would like to add that the decks you commented upon work a bit different than Sebi first said smile :
When you comment on a deck you somehow 'subscribe' to that deck and you'll receive notifications about it being changed and also commented upon. Enjoy!


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

No, it's not the lands, it's the Furnace Celebration in the sideboard. It's from Scars smile


(42 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ionut wrote:

Amu sincer, nu joc extended fiindca doar din Zen am inceput, si, vorbele lui rares "N-AM CARTI!"

http://store.tcgplayer.com/ sunt și cărți ieftine de extended


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:


Overrun fitzos on a stick tongue

Oh man big_smile finally ceva pentru mine tongue

And of course, you can choose if you want to see the lowest price, the medium one or the highest one (from Edit Profile) big_smile


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Tokenu de lup e cel mai tare. Nu știu de ce au făcut pisica aia așa umană, trebuiau să o lase pe jos în 4 labe.


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Sarit fix pe link lol Si garantez ca-s si-aia pe-undeva prin stomac la chestia aia tongue

What a horrible thing to say about the elves sad


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ce elfi? Ăla îi un wurm


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Și o pisică legendară destul de interesantă, dar nu îmi dau seama cât de jucabilă:


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Trickster wrote:

Eh, are doua carti spoil-uite, dintre care un 8/8 trample de 4 si nu-i bine? tongue

I don't do artifacts tongue


(257 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Se pare că după ce au scos Vengevine în Rise și Primeval Titan în M11 s-au hotărât să nu mai dea nimic bun verdelui? sad


(18 replies, posted in GameFlux)

singerete wrote:

Pai ii foarte usor sa ajungi in profilul tau chiar de pe pagina altui utilizator. Apesti My Profile

In alta ordine de idei, tot la Comment-uri. Nu se poate scoate cumva sistemul "in cascada" al comment-urilor? Adica mi se pare mult mai ordonat si usor de urmarit daca ar merge comment-urile unul dupa altul. Sau?

Și atunci cum vei știi care e comment și care e reply? Și dacă e reply la care comment e reply?


(18 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Se vor schimba lucrurile astea după ce facem update la pagina de profil care va conține recent activity mult mai detaliată și mai relevanta (care sper eu, va fixa și problema de 'subscribe' la un deck, cât și ce spui tu acum)


(36 replies, posted in Administrativ)

Mie personal îmi place simplicitatea forumului și faptul că nu are o mie de culori, linkuri cu ultimele posturi, linkuri cu cele mai fierbinți, cele mai noi, cele mai cele.
Pe de altă parte simt și eu lipsa subforumurilor (întotdeauna puțină organizare nu strică), cât și linkul 'Mark as read' pe care îl folosesc intens pe forumul mtgsalvation.


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Wow, și când se trimit astea? Ce fain e Brave the Elements roll


(42 replies, posted in GameFlux)

toranaga wrote:

12/12 pt 6 mana. Tot mai mult ridica stacheta cei de la wizard. Oare unde ajungem ? smile

Nu e un 12/12 pentru 6 mană, așa cum Sprouting Thrinax nu era un 6/6 pentru 3 mană, dar într-adevăr e super tare creatura smile și oferă un mare avantaj jucătorului care o pune pe masă


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


It is possible to do what you want, please have a look at this thread: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=309 . As for setting the default edition for cards, it has been suggested before and we'll definitely think about it wink In the beginning we just assumed that the majority of the users will just want to build decks and won't care about the actual edition of each card (the collecting part of the game), but it seems we were wrong big_smile


(30 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ionut wrote:

bine ca nu-i gravida ca Angel-u ala big_smile

O, da


(30 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Eu nu știu de ce au făcut-o așa urâtă pe Elspeth, sincer. Sau doar mie mi se pare?

Hello and thank you for the kind words smile

Yes, it is possible to specify exactly which edition are every single one of your cards. To do so, go to your inventory and when going with your mouse over the card row, you should see a small red arrow. Click on it and you will get the card menu. From that menu choose 'Edit card details'. That will open a dialog where you can edit the details of each individual card (edition, foiled, DCI promo, etc.)



(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hehe, very true, we didn't test thoroughly in Opera and didn't know of this bug. But I will have a look at it as soon as I have the chance.

Thanks for your feedback smile


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

UnderFlow wrote:

2. Links to our Community are messed up: the link extends only to the first blank:

http://deckbox.org/communities/ndh boardgame group/events/29

Sorry for the very big delay, but finally this is fixed. Everywhere, including in the emails, the urls to communities and their events will contain the name of the community with the spaces converted to _ (underscore), for example the url you pasted became:

http://deckbox.org/communities/ndh_boar … /events/29

This, of course, doesn't mean that the old urls will stop working big_smile

Also, the CMC bug was fixed some time ago by Sebi. Thanks for your patience!