I've mentioned the same issue some time ago:
1 2018-04-19 14:50:30
Re: Issues with import of BFZ lands (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
2 2018-01-13 13:57:53
Topic: Issues with importing from CSV (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
TL;DR There are some problems with Planeshift "Alternative Art Foil" cards and some of the "Full Art" lands from BFZ during import from a CSV file.
So, I exported my MTG collection to a CSV file and imported it to my brother's account. The process itself went smoothly (about 4900 entries), but I've noticed that the total collection value is slightly different. Upon further investigation I found cards that were imported (or exported) incorrectly.
I own Skyship Weatherlight and Tahngarth, Talruum Hero from Planeshift in normal versions, but they were imported as "Alternate Art Foil" (so for example this - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Skyship%20Weath mp;lang=us).
Other issue that I found was with some of the (but not all) Battle of Zendikar "Full Art" lands. I own this Forest - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Forest?printing mp;lang=us, this Plains - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Plains?printing mp;lang=us, and this Mountain - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Mountain?printi mp;lang=us in "Full Art" versions, but they were imported as normal versions. But some of the "Full Art" BFZ lands that I own and exported were imported correctly.
3 2018-01-01 20:04:42
Topic: Horse Token displayed as Creature (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Very minor thing. Horse Token - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Horse?printing=36335 - is displayed in "Creature" section in my deck sideboard list instead of in "Token" section.
4 2017-05-12 15:22:42
Re: Move from deck to scratchpad (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I did the same at first :)
5 2017-05-12 15:03:14
Re: Move from deck to scratchpad (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
There's a menu to do exactly that under the dark-pink dot on the left side of the card's name in the decklist. Just click it.
6 2017-03-13 11:43:05
Re: MM 2017 is now on Gatherer (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Copy and paste link:
You can use code for that kind of links.
7 2017-02-11 18:42:38
Topic: Can I help somehow? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
I've been using Deckbox for a while now and I'm happy with it. But as you probably can tell looking at this subforum, I found some bugs and missing cards, but I didn't receive any response. I know that WoW TCG doesn't have a big user-base on Deckbox and the WoW section on Deckbox is probably abandoned, but I have some time to spare and I'm wondering is there any way to help you with completing the Card Database and/or fixing some bugs and typos in card names?
8 2017-02-11 18:35:34
Topic: Links to cards with "" are broken (0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
When I'm in Card Database and I click on "Acid Hands" McGillicutty (for example) the link seems broken and it opens Deckbox's main page (with error "The page you are looking for does not exist") instead of a page with that card. It's because the link looks like that:
https://deckbox.org/wow/"Acid% Gillicutty
To fix that the " should be replaced with browsers friendly percent-encoding %22, see below:
https://deckbox.org/wow/%22Acid%20Hands Gillicutty
Same thing with cards with apostrophe in their names (fix: changing ' to %27).
A'dal, just for example:
But something is bad here - the tooltip with card info is showing only on that "broken" link. So either it opens a proper page, or either it correctly shows a tooltip on hover :/
PS: I use Firefox and Xubuntu 16.10
EDIT: Or just ignore percent-encoding and just change " to " and ' to '
I think that works in WHI Database (both, links and tooltips are OK there).
9 2017-02-11 18:15:51
Re: Displaced columns in Card Database (1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
It's better now. But the columns are still misplaced - shifted by one position, see screenshot below.
10 2017-02-11 18:06:17
Topic: Decks with Monster and Scourge heroes are shown as incomplete (0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
I have three decks with Monster or Scourge heroes and none of them are shown correctly in my WOW DECKS section. Cards counter on top of the deck list is correct (it shows 61 cards), but my deck is still considered as incomplete:
This deck is incomplete. It is not listed in the decks section and does not count towards the total decks count. A complete WoW deck contains between 61 and 70 cards, and includes a hero card.
I assume the script is set to check for a card with type "Hero - ..." but it doesn't recognize heroes with type "Monster Hero - ..." and "Scourge Hero - ...". It seems it should be easy to fix. I hope :)
11 2016-06-12 23:24:52
Topic: Displaced columns in Card Database (1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
12 2016-06-10 16:15:18
Topic: Missing cards (Timewalkers, Feast of Winter Veil 2012) (0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
I'm sure that you already have it, but just in case here's the newest OCR I could find:
There aren't many missing cards in Deckbox database. It would be really great if you can add these sets and cards:
1) Timewalkers (full set, 30 cards)
2) Feast of Winter Veil 2012 (full set, 9 cards)
3) Battle of the Aspects (16 cards)
- Murozond, The Lord of the Infinite
- Army of Undeath
- Blessing of the Just
- Crusader's Armament
- Persuasive Resurrection
- Elemental Balance
- Galabak Barrelmark
- Ganvar Singebeard
- Valathar Blackstorm
- Aresan Bloodshield
- Benedictus, the Twilight Father
- Blackfang Battleweave Tunic
- Maw of the Dragonlord
- Ti'tahk, the Steps of Time
- Visage of the Destroyer
- Vishanka, Jaws of the Earth
4) Holiday Promos (5 cards)
- Winter Garb
- Big Love Rocket
- Blossoming Branch
- Brazier of Dancing Flames
- Sinister Squashling
5) Worldbreaker Crafted (9 cards)
- Chalice of the Mountain Kings
- Clockwork Gnome
- Staff of Sorceror-Thane Thaurissan
- Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown (image is here)
- Bones of Transformation
- Highborne Soul Mirror
- Snaggle
- Soggypaw
- Violet Proto-Drake
13 2016-06-10 13:43:17
Topic: Typos and misspellings in WoW TCG Card Database (0 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)
First of all, thank you for providing this great service for CCG/TCG enthusiasts.
I've just added my WoW TCG collection to Deckbox (over 2500 entries). The process was overall easy and hassle-free, but I've stumble upon some minor problems with some cards, mostly due their misspelled names. I know that WoW TCG has low priority for you, but nonetheless I hope my post will help you fix these small issues and make Deckbox even better for all of us and future users.
1) Cards with non-standard apostrophe symbol in their names which makes them really hard to search in the database.
Fix: changing ’ to '
2) Cards with cost in their names.
Fix: remove cost value from the name, add cost to card description
3) Cards with duplicate entries. There's no need for that, because the link still leads to the original entry.
- Bhenn Checks-the-Sky
- Bloodsoul
- Burn Away
- Claws of Attack
- Feldrake
- Intercept
- Lady Bancroft
- Shattering Blow
- Tarwila Gladespring
- Wing Clip
Fix: leave original entry, remove duplicate
4) Cards with typos, incomplete names etc.
- Arisella - part of the name is included as cost
Fix: Arisella, Daughter of Cenarius (with "-" cost)
- BlackhornFearmonger - missing space in the name
Fix: Blackhorn Fearmonger
- “Captain Cookie” - non-standard quotation symbol, placed incorrectly
Fix: "Captain" Cookie
- Cult Master Kel'Thuzad - no rules
Fix: see here
- Jaroth Lighguard - typo, missing "t" in the name
Fix: Jaroth Lightguard
- Jasani - part of the name is included as cost
Fix: Jasani, Shrine Keeper (with "-" cost)
- No Mere Dream, Druid - card class included in the name instead of description
Fix: No Mere Dream (with "Druid" class)
- Paladin Training – WRG, Paladin - card class included in the name instead of description
Fix: Paladin Training (Wrathgate) (with "Paladin" class and edition in the name due to another card with the same name from other edition)
- Polymorph Penguin - typo, missing ":" in the name
Fix: Polymorph: Penguin
- Rituals of Power, Ma - card class included in the name instead of description
Fix: Rituals of Power (with "Mage" class)
- SoulBinding - typo, missing space in the name
Fix: Soul Binding
- Spirit Totem, Sh - card class included in the name instead of description
Fix: Spirit Totem (with "Shaman" class)
- Surge of Life – WRG
Fix: Surge of Life (Wrathgate) (this way it looks more elegant and clear, I think)
- The Ichor of Undeath, Priest - card class included in the name instead of description
Fix: The Ichor of Undeath (with "Priest" class)
- Wild Rejuvination - typo
Fix: Wild Rejuvenation
- Zaduru - no rules
Fix: see here
5) Distinct cards with the same name.
- Feeding Frenzy
Fix: add edition name to one of the entry, for example: Feeding Frenzy (Tomb of the Forgotten)