This is the BR Vampires deck I ran at a few FNMs. It got me a top 4 and a 5th place (It's a smaller shop, so they don't cut to top 8 often, just top 4).

One thing I felt is that you NEED to go into a second color in order to handle faster decks and also for the Pro-Black stuff in white. Lightning Bolt is a great out for a lot of the stuff out there, and it also gives you access to Sarkhan the Mad which has amazing synergy with Bloodghast. Also, it gives us the option of Earthquake for those decks that swarm you heavily on the ground (Mostly green and red). It's also good on Fauna Shaman decks as most of their creatures are on the ground as well. Lastly, it gives us Terminate which is strictly better than Doom Blade, mostly because of the mirror match.

One change that never made it to the deck is the inclusion of Bojuka Bog, which will heavily damage the Fauna Shaman and any other Vengevine deck.

Changes to make the deck a bit cheaper would mainly be dropping the Arid Mesas and Verdant Catacombs for the Terramporphic Expanses/Evolving Wilds, since it will fetch for either. The downside is that it comes into play tapped, which will slow you down and hurt you. This deck plays a bit more control than aggro, but you still want to try wrecking face with Goblin Guides.


(5 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yay! Thanks Sebi.