If you have access to them, this deck could use Inexorable Tide and Decimator Web. I've had some fun with those cards.



(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have been interested in playing type 4 for quite some time but have never had the chance to. I was thinking about building a pool in order to run a draft but I'm not sure if it would be worth while since i don't have many cards that would usually be found in a type 4 match.

The real question I have is if anyone out there would be willing to take a look at my collection and give me some tips on building a pool out of the cards I have at my disposal.


Thanks for your input.... but I'm well aware of how to figure out the probability of cards being drawn in a pack. By asking if there was a way, I should have been more specific. Is there an easier/faster way.

Every addition that anyone suggests in the forum people can do on their own. They don't suggest them because they can't do it, they suggest them because it would be easier if they were on the site. I am no different. I know how many cards of each rarity are in each pack, and I know how to find how many of each rarity are in each set.

I just thought that if there were a utility available on the site it would save some people some time.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

happening with the card entry as well. instead of displaying predictions of card names it displays the error.

I exclusively purchase sealed packs. If there is a way of knowing which set has the highest probability of yielding a specific card, that would help to complete collections faster while still ensuring a mint condition card.

I'm sure that the effort needed to implement this would be great, so I understand if it can't happen. I just thought it might be handy for collectors.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Agree as well. I have been trying to figure out an easy way to track this. Also having the ability to see the ratio of the specific rarities would help.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)


My name is Joe, and I've been only been playing since Scars of Mirrodin. One of my friends and I decided we needed a new hobby so we picked up MTG and got addicted. We usually only play each other with the occasional friend joining in from time to time. Neither of us have done any competitive play.

We mostly build decks that make for a fun game. Focusing more on crazy combos and huge comebacks rather than consistently winning quickly. I've found I have more fun playing single games that last a long time rather than a bunch of 5th-6th turn wins.

We have started to adapt some house rules and variations of a few different formats to make for some interesting match ups.

Hoping to get some new ideas for decks/gameplay.