sebi wrote:

I have added back the dropdown next to the card details, removing the "Matching" submenu. It seems the change has been confusing for many. I have tried to not have it as a simple caret icon but with a text & color showing what the card is matched to (inventory/wishlist/custom/default).

I changed the column colors for inventory count and wishlist count back to just always be green and yellow, messing with that has been also confusing. Reverted.

The deck count should be red again now when the count is larger than the sum of the card (over all printings) in inv + wish.

Not sure if this addressed my issue about the sub-menus... I wish that instead of having to click on "Basic Card" first, we could go directly to the desired filters (e.g. Rules Text), as we could do before the latest update?

Thanks for considering my request! smile

Davidy212 wrote:
Yaco wrote:

I have encountered many problems with this update, and I don't know if they are bugs or if I don't understand the new features/changes.

All the problems are in the decks section.
First of all, I can't "autofill" my decks with cards from my collection anymore, I tried the "match details to collection" button and it doesn't seem to work, it just completes some cards but most of my cards remain with unselected versions. All my decks are now "versionless" and it is a pain to get them manually card by card on almost 100 decks.

Also, the deck tab now uses cards on my wishlist and doesn't show them in red, but in white as I just have them, which makes shopping a bit awkward. The shopping assistant button seems to be missing as well sad

Having multiple prints/conditions on a playset also makes the "cards not owned" count to increase even if I have all of them.

Colors in general seems strange, I dont understand the logic behind colors in card counts on decks (white/green/yellow/red).

Hopefully someone can help me understand what's a bug and what's me not understanding the update :S
Thanks in advance!!!

Totally agree with everything you said. This update is awful, no offense. It does not improve the user experience at all.

I also think that the update with the drop-down sub-menus is really tedious to use and the overall experience gets frankly annoying after a while... Can we please revert to the previous version? I have been a user of this site for many years and would like to continue using it in the long term...



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi, how can I add all cards from the 4 decks to my collection, is there an easy way to do this quickly?
