Hello all.

I'm new both to deckbox and MTG in general, however I'm learning quickly, but there sure are a BUNCH of cards I don't have memorized yet, so I'm going to crowd source this question and ask for your help in building a deck.

I'd like this deck (obviously in the title) to be a black and green deck.
Also I'd like the deck to be a quick mana builder and be aimed at sacrificing creatures and have at least one of the following cards:

Sisters of Stone Death
Birthing Pod
Dark Heart of the Wood
Primordial Hydra
Bloodgift Demon
Hideous Visage

Of course this is just my idea for a starting point, and your more then welcome to change the cards as you see fit. I'll update this post as you recommend cards and the deck will be built below as well as here http://deckbox.org/sets/140834 :

4 Woodland Cemetery

I might be interested in taking you up on that offer. I'm still new here as well so I am actually working on entering in my inventory so all the cards I have aren't there yet, but if you see something you might want in trade's let me know smile Most of my green is up, and I'll be working on putting up the blacks currently.

Or I'd be willing to do something like paypal, but I'm currently broke so that would have to wait at least until tomarrow.

P.S. Welcome to deckbox!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks smile

Also just saw the print setting in "View" and really it's good enough, I hadn't looked in there to be honest hmm

Again great work, and obviously you like it, as you are also very active in the community you started here. Great to see!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hello, first off, GREAT JOB on this site!

I run a web hosting company and have to say this is a very well put together site. Responsive and the features really work well.  However when I go to print a page of one of my decks (so friends who haven't made it over here yet can build them) I get just the output with no borders, tables or the likes.

I was just wondering if there was any plans on a nicely formatted page for printing or a print button?

I suppose I could just print a screenshot as I really do love the layout of the decks page, but of course it's always easier to ask someone else to do it for you lol smile

Also just a quick sidenote/feature request.
When building a deck, could you add an option for the selected cards in a deck to be added to your inventory? I buy some pre-made decks such as event decks and then tweak them sometimes and so when creating a new deck I'd have to enter in those cards twice so that I could also add them to the inventory. Just save a step and alot of typing for us end users.