(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I understand. And I'm COMPLETELY willing to send first. That's what I've done my first few trades. Some people have sent me cards first so far. I've completed it

Also I do appreciate this because someone has to look out for everyone


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It's not. I've been suspended and hoping to get it lifted. I know this doesn't sound believable but my friend told me about deckbox and he had sent me some cards before as well and told me he got them from deckbox.

I'm sorry for anything that has happened but I've completed some trades on here already and haven't done anything wrong hmm


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Need grixis control stuff in modern

3) cryptic command
1) blackcleave cliffs
3) polluted delta
4) scalding tarn
4) ancestral visions
1) damnation
Maybe 1 engineered explosives? Not sure yet

Please someone send me a trade. I'll overpay a bit I just need it bad to complete my EDH deck and that is the only card I'm missing



(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thank you so much! Anything helps right now!


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is what all I need
-2 Tasigur
-3 Jace, Vyrn's prodigy
-4 snapcaster mate
-2 kologhans command
-4 Inquistion of kozeliek
-4 serum visions(Promo one if possible)
-1 darkslick shores
-2 blackcleave cliffs
-2 creeping tar pit
-2 steam vents
-4 polluted delta
-3 scalding tarn
-2 bloodstained mire
-1 engineered exsplosive
-4 fulminator mate
-1 anger of the gods
-1 damnation

That's all I need.. anything helps!!
And if you send me a trade I'll counter if I don't like and I'm very nice and respond within and hour or so unless I'm at work

Like basically the whole deck list.

This is what all I need

-2 Tasigur
-3 Jace, Vyrn's prodigy
-4 snapcaster mate
-3 terminate
-3 kologhans command
-1 thoughtseize
-4 Inquistion of kozeliek
-4 serum visions(Promo one if possible)
-1 darkslick shores
-2 blackcleave cliffs
-2 creeping tar pit
-2 steam vents
-4 polluted delta
-3 scalding tarn
-2 bloodstained mire
-1 engineered exsplosive
-4 fulminator mate
-1 izzet staticastor
-2 anger of the gods
-1 damnation

That's all I need.. anything helps!!

And if you send me a trade I'll counter if I don't like and I'm very nice and respond within and hour or so unless I'm at work


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

-Dark confidant
-Glen Elendra Archmage
-Jace, vyrns prodigy
-Scavenging ooze(newer one if possible)
-ole snapcaster mage
-Cryptic Command
-mother flipping force of will
-Gosh Darn Mana drain
-Middle the mixture
-Mystic Confluence
-Mystic tutor
-Pact of negation
-Vampiric Tutor
-Anvil of Bogardan
-Helm of obedience
-Mana Crypt
-Mox diamond
-Liliana of the veil
-Demonic Tutor
-Malestorm pulse
-Time Spiral(need bad)

-Ancient tomb
-Bloodstained mire
-Bojuka bog
-creeping tar pit(need bad)
-Drowned catacombs
-Flooded strand
-Hinterland harbor
-Marsh Flats
-Misty rainforest
-overgrown tomb
-polluted delta
-strip mine
-Tolaria west
-verdant catacombs
-windswept Heath
-wooded foothills
-woodland cemetery

Ya I need a crap ton but I'm working on it slowly but surely


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Yes I'm at work but when I get home I will post a list of stuff I need


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for some EDH stuff for leovold. I don't have lands on my list but I'm missing a lot so if you have lands or anything on my wish list or just want to send me a trade, send away!

I'm very friendly and respond to trades normally in under an hour or 2!

Again, ill trade for stuff not on my wishlist! And I'll counter almost every trade to try and make it work

I need more than a playset. So if you have a Liliana, the last hope send me a trade!! I want them