(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/stan … Aggro.html

Somebody should take a look at this. I think this is fun.


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

Competitive costs $5 more and the prize payout is bigger I believe.


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

You should do a couple of the competitive ones with me ^-^.


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

Dave, it is your job to get more people to join this forum! I'll probably get more as we get more magic players coming for FNM. Are you going to be here for FNM this friday?


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

What were you guys thinking about playing? I think the meta should be still, lots of ramp, lots of u/w. I think I'd play probably something where vapor snap doesn't get that much value.


(11 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

I will probably go to trade, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to play. I'm down to playtest if anyone needs or has time. Please post when and where you guys would like to test, if needed?


(0 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

So, what is everyone thinking about playing?

I would just put a maximum quantity on certain cards.  But it should go by a point system. i.e.

"4x Force of Will
Min Bid: 85 pts
Bid: X pts

10 pts
Xx snap caster
Xx geist of saint traft

8 points
3x wurmcoil engine
2x elish, grand something

5 pts
1x inferno titan
2x grave titan"
1x mikaeus


That's how I would do it.


(0 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

I was thinking of adopting this system.

http://armadagames.com/forums/showthrea … oints-List

Play for four weeks and each week will be $5 entry, putting a pack in the pool per player.  Prizes will go out to the top 3 of each 4 week league pt get-ers. Depends on how many are interested and can come to each week to pay out, but I just wanted to know the comments, opinions, concerns, and mostly interests in this.

I think it would be fun and could bring in more casuals to EvoGames.

I agree on all counts. As a seller, I would not back out once I've put something up for auction unless it did not meet the minimum bid requirement.  However, I usually don't like to put a minimum bid on my auctions, but because of the influx on prices lately, I might have to.

Thank you all for the feedback. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and opinions!

ramimac2 wrote:

I would be interested, however I feel they will need a section in the forums to be advertised, as well as no requirement for the seller to choose the most expensive offer. Dependant upon interest (say a minimum of 3-5 offers valued at above the sellers base acceptance), I believe the seller should be required to make the trade.

Hi, I'm not sure about the last part. Could you please give me an example of what you mean by the seller being required to make the trade?

Trade auctions? For like, Rishadan Ports, playsets of Snapcasters/Primeval Titans. Please vote if you'd like to see any of these.

Thanks for your time,


(0 replies, posted in TAO)

This is probably where the evo mtg team will do all of our discussions and such. Stay tuned!


(0 replies, posted in evoGameZ MTG Events)

Here, you will be able to get all your info on our tournaments. Also, discuss about what kind of events you'd like to play in. Standard, Modern, EDH, or limited? Give us feedback on how we're doing as well!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I will be taking a look. thx