Topic: Would you guys be interested in..

Trade auctions? For like, Rishadan Ports, playsets of Snapcasters/Primeval Titans. Please vote if you'd like to see any of these.

Thanks for your time,

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eBay | TCGplayer

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

I would be interested, however I feel they will need a section in the forums to be advertised, as well as no requirement for the seller to choose the most expensive offer. Dependant upon interest (say a minimum of 3-5 offers valued at above the sellers base acceptance), I believe the seller should be required to make the trade.

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

ramimac2 wrote:

I would be interested, however I feel they will need a section in the forums to be advertised, as well as no requirement for the seller to choose the most expensive offer. Dependant upon interest (say a minimum of 3-5 offers valued at above the sellers base acceptance), I believe the seller should be required to make the trade.

Hi, I'm not sure about the last part. Could you please give me an example of what you mean by the seller being required to make the trade?

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eBay | TCGplayer

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

My take would be that once the auction is started so long as the minimum bid is made the seller has no choice in trading it away (since it did meet the minimum bid).

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

Kol wrote:
ramimac2 wrote:

I would be interested, however I feel they will need a section in the forums to be advertised, as well as no requirement for the seller to choose the most expensive offer. Dependant upon interest (say a minimum of 3-5 offers valued at above the sellers base acceptance), I believe the seller should be required to make the trade.

Hi, I'm not sure about the last part. Could you please give me an example of what you mean by the seller being required to make the trade?

I think what he means is people can't put up an auction and take it back after it's over because they didn't feel it was fair. If they set a reserve and that reserve is met, they shouldn't be able to back out of it.

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

I disagree with requiring the seller to go through with it if a reserve is met. With the way cards fluctuate in price, it's entirely reasonable to say that a playset of 4 cards could change enough where it wouldn't be worth it for the seller anymore. If there's any kind of worry like this to the seller, they just won't bother using the system.

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

I disagree with requiring the seller to go through with it if a reserve is met. With the way cards fluctuate in price, it's entirely reasonable to say that a playset of 4 cards could change enough where it wouldn't be worth it for the seller anymore. If there's any kind of worry like this to the seller, they just won't bother using the system.

Seconded. If the reserve is set by the seller, and the auction happens fairly quickly, I don't see why this would be a problem anyway.

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

I agree on all counts. As a seller, I would not back out once I've put something up for auction unless it did not meet the minimum bid requirement.  However, I usually don't like to put a minimum bid on my auctions, but because of the influx on prices lately, I might have to.

Thank you all for the feedback. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and opinions!

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eBay | TCGplayer

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

How would you enforce the seller to comply with the auction should the "reserve" be met? if someone lists a force of will and I bid 8x inkmoth nexus' will the seller be obliged to trade knowing full well that while the inkmoths may be worth more at this moment in a month they will drop? how would one set reserve, would the seller simply state "I value this card at $xx.xx?

I like the idea in principal but if this goes into effect this message board will be flooded with these "trade auctions" making it useless for anything else.


Re: Would you guys be interested in..

I would just put a maximum quantity on certain cards.  But it should go by a point system. i.e.

"4x Force of Will
Min Bid: 85 pts
Bid: X pts

10 pts
Xx snap caster
Xx geist of saint traft

8 points
3x wurmcoil engine
2x elish, grand something

5 pts
1x inferno titan
2x grave titan"
1x mikaeus


That's how I would do it.

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eBay | TCGplayer

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

Exactly as Kol said. So long as the Seller sets the terms for what he wants and the minimum bid as well. If the bid is met the seller shouldn't back out. If you're afraid then don't sell that particular item via the bid system. Same goes with the Buyer, if they put in a bid they can't back out else they get boned too.

As for how to stop people from ignoring the rules, just don't allow anyone to make bids/sell unless one of two things. They have 10+ successful trades with Redditors, or get sponsored by someone who has 10+ successful trades. The sponsor using his good credit for a RL friend for instance.

Re: Would you guys be interested in..

What I'm hearing from you guys is that you want a manual eBay system, minus the fees. Instead of putting a reserve price, couldn't the seller just start the auction at their minimum price?

I am fond of bad trader sections and would be willing to ask deckbox admins for another section if needed.