I have a few arenas in a casual deck of mine with Phyrexian Unlife, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, and Soul Conduit, along with a bunch of other cards that make me take damage. It may not be that good, but man I love the reactions I get out of people playing against it for the first time.

kaseius wrote:

Liliana of the Veil x2 (16pts) - 29$x2 = 58$
Geist of Saint Traft (6pts) = 20$
Snapcaster Mage (7pts) = 24$
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben x2 (1pts) = 4$x2 = 8$
Karn Liberated (3pts) = 13$

Total value is 123$, and the Tropical Island is probably around 95$? Is there something I'm missing in these trades? It seems like a bit of a rip-off to me..

My guess is that all of those cards are standard, so their value is only temporary.


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Me too. What's the price?

I'll buy the Goblin Guides and Grim Lavamancers if you're willing to sell those separate smile

Well if you don't get any offers I may be willing to buy some individual cards. Good luck smile

Hnnnnngggg... my self restraint is at its limits. Why are you selling all of these?

Yeah, right now the feedback system right now doesn't really do anything other than completely shut down someone who gets a negative (or even a neutral).

Ideally I'd like to see neutral be used for the majority of trades, +1 if the trader is really friendly, generous, etc., and -1 for bad trades. Then have an easier way to see their detailed feedback. This would only work if feedback was hidden until given by both parties, as then you'd have no personal incentive to give someone a +1. It would act like a compliment/reward for exceptional trades.

I believe a system like this would encourage people to be friendly and yield better trades, and it would allow people see how good of a trader someone is (instead of just how many trades they've made). Lets say someone has made 20 trades and they have a feedback score of:

  • 0 (all neutral): I'd have no qualms about trading with them. They may not be very personable or whatever, but they haven't made any bad trades so why not trade with them?

  • +9 (10 positive, 1 negative): I'd still trade with them despite their -1. It wouldn't shut them down from trading because it could have been a fluke or something, considering they've had 10 good trades. At a glance they'd look like better traders than the first guy, too, since they have net positive feedback.

  • +15 (all positive): I'd jump through hoops to trade with them. It's obvious that other people really enjoyed trading with them and complimented them with the +1s for it (and they'll get rewarded with trade requests from more people because of this).


Edit: This would also make the feedback system a lot clearer, especially for new people. I've had a few trades where hardly any words were exchanged between us. Not to say that there's anything wrong with this - the cards were sent in a timely fashion and arrived in good condition, but I'm sure we both walked away feeling neutral about it. Yet the feedback system pretty much requires a positive feedback, which has made it essentially a "not awful" feedback and not a commendation for a really good trade like I believe it should be.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I forgot to change a trade's feedback to +1 before submitting. Could I have it changed please?

The trade is: http://deckbox.org/trades/6791?s=

Thank you!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks sebi!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm trying to rush getting it fixed and couldn't find another way to contact anyone.

Basically, I accidentally gave a trade a neutral score. How can I go about changing it? This guy definitely deserves a +1 but I can't figure out how to change the rating. Thanks.

Edit - Here's the trade in question: http://deckbox.org/trades/6493?s=12728

EDIT: The poll got messed up somehow and I can't figure out how to delete this... so just ignore the poll.

I'm fairly new to this site, and so far I've done all my trades based on the default shown price (TcgPlayer average). But I just kind of realized that if I wasn't trading cards through here, I'd be buying them at the TcgPlayer minimum. So I was wondering - what do you guys have the displayed price set to? And do you usually just go by that when making trades?


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

ErickC wrote:

Bubble mailers aren't expensive.

True, but my post office charges about $2 minimum to ship them. I use them for trades of >$10 or for a lot of cards, but I started using pretty much the same method you described for cheaper trades. I'd rather buy the cards at my LGS and support them than waste ~50% of a trade's value on shipping.


(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Haha that was me with the doomblades, sorry! That was one of my first times sending cards and I didn't get with the program until receiving a couple. I sent out 2 snapcasters the other day and that package was rock solid and encased in bubble wrap tongue