(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

yes! thank you!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have about 20000 or so mtg cards, and am using Deckbox to be able to search online for the cards I may have. I noticed the feature for Folders, and that got me thinking: is there a way for me to be able to find the location of my real life cards when searching for what cards I have? This is what I mean:

Box 001: contains the following cards:
Abrupt Decay
Liliana Vess
Desecration Demon

So if I searched for those cards, it would display which box they would be in, so I can easily get the cards I need, since my collection is so big.

I actually have the same book. My mom got it for me for my birthday a few years back, since Alara is my favorite plane, and I noticed a couple things:
1) The golden areas on mine are fine, apart from the fact that it has started to be able to be scratched, taking a bit off of the gold part.
2) It's not quite a hundred bucks from where my mom got it, wherever that is, since we couldn't afford a hundred bucks for just 1 book at the time.
That's a pretty interesting misprint, since mine didn't get misprinted, apart from the removable gold paint. Anyways, it's a really good read.