(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

meldon44 wrote:

Not at all! Going through and manually typing in commas in the card names (and also putting quotation marks around those names) would have been a very tedious process. But since that column had mostly "name-halves" and not very many edition names, I only had to do a quick cut-and-paste in about one to two dozen rows. And many of them were adjacent, so I could cut-and-paste them at the same time! I'm super quick with my Excel keyboard shortcuts and navigation, so operations like that are pretty quick once you get in the rhythm.  smile

Ah, nice smile

meldon44 wrote:

However, I did learn a couple things. First, the "Text to Columns" feature actually DOES work with card names that contain commas! On the same page in that dialog in which you set "Delimiters" to commas, the default "Text qualifier" is a quotation mark, which makes it work correctly.

Neat, so you're saying I should have both boxes checked, which will make it work fine?

meldon44 wrote:

That means that, in addition to your file somehow having a bunch of semicolons mysteriously introduced, it also mysteriously had all of its quotation marks stripped away! (That's why Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" and the Time Spiral "Timeshifted" edition both threw errors, in addition to why "Text to Columns" messed up all those card names.) So there must have been something else you did in between exporting the file and opening it in Excel to do the "Text to Columns" and run the macro.  :\

Probably. I think I followed the instructions, but it's very possible I made a mistake along the way. If it matters, I'm working with the Office 365 Excel. Not that it's likely to matter.

meldon44 wrote:

Obviously none of this matters. Purely an academic exercise at this point. LoL
However, the second thing I learned is the you actually CAN just change the file extension to .csv now! You didn't used to be able to do that. You'll still have to open it in Excel after and save it within Excel before it'll work on Deckbox. But no need to open it in Notepad and Save As... to do this! I updated my earlier posts to reflect this info.

Sweet smile I was actually unable to use the method you described before with save in notepad and then in excel (was getting the "make sure your file is a plaintext csv format"-something error), but who knows, maybe this way works... tongue
For now, I got the collection updated from the macro+your list of names containing commas ^^
Until next time big_smile


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you so much for the thurough explanation and result! smile The .coll2 conversion process is most likely the one I'll go with from now on, but it's nice to have options!

went through and cut any edition names from column F (the original column with the "Edition" label, which contained a mix of edition names and card-name halves, and I wanted to leave only the latter in that column) into column G (our "true" Edition column now)

Wasn't this almost as much work as the manual thing, scrolling through the list to move over edition names and leave the "name-halves"?

And ofc you can have the .coll2-file, that's the least I can do!
Original .coll2 file from Decked Builder https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5b095ey4nzjp … coll2?dl=0
Happy tinkering, and thanks again! smile

EDIT: While both exports (save coll and save csv) are exported as .coll2 files, the info seen in notepad is very different, I just realized. The above is a link to .coll2 export, while this is the result from a csv-export https://www.dropbox.com/s/f56eer1o6wag8 … coll2?dl=0
Hope that helps smile


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi guys, just ran the macro to update my collection, and it works great smile I just ran into one problem that seems weird:

File check complete

Error: The header of the csv file is not correct. Please check that the columns in your file contain at the minimum Count and Name. Unrecognized colums: Count;Foil;Condition;Language;Name;Edition.

Any ideas?

About Decked Builder - yes it's supposed to be supported, the issue is that when you choose to export your collection as csv in the app, it still produces it's own .coll/.coll2 file, not an actual csv.

It seems to not like semicolons separating the headers. I tried changing it in notepad, but then is wouldn't work with the rest of the information as it is separated by semicolons. Tried changing everything to commas, which almost worked except for every card that has a comma in it's name (566 of them). Is there a better way than having to go through manually and re-arrange those 566 names without a comma?

Checked the file named manually, and in it, all the names with comma in them were enclosed by qoutation marks. Is that something the macro maybe missed?

The file of the cards causing problems (couldnt upload file for some reason) https://www.dropbox.com/s/bdxfghijwpxyk … s.csv?dl=0


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you very much !
I imported your version and it worked without a hitch smile The detailed instructions are very welcome, as I really haven't worked with csv files previously, and will be very handy for when it's time to update the collection. Would definitely not have figured this one out on my own. Again, thank you for a very quick response and solution!



(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi all,

New to the site, been using Decked Builder to keep track of my collection. Having some trouble uploading the csv file Decked Builder produces, and from a quick google search, I'm not alone. Was wondering if there was a solution out there I haven't seen yet?

Any help appreciated.

Attached the file I've been trying to upload in case anyone knows how to fix them to be recognizeable by Deck Box:)
I know it's a .coll2 file - It's what I got despite choosing the 'export csv' option in Decked Builder. What I did was changing the filetype by replacing .coll2 suffix with .csv
