Thanks Sebi - Been waiting for the OTJ Art Series.

There's still some double-sided OTJ Tokens not listed on the site, which I've mentioned in the Missing Printings thread when you have a chance. smile

Has been mentioned elsewhere, but mentioning here too for posterity:

  • Outlands of Thunder Junction Art Series:
    This is entirely missing as of now. Reference Link with full list of images/cards is on the Wizards site here: … -art-cards

  • At least some OTJ / OTP / BIG Double-sided tokens:
    There are some double-sided tokens which do not seem to be listed anywhere under any of the 'Extras' editions for OTJ, OTP, or BIG.
    - I personally have a double-sided Human Rogue (OTP #0002) // Plot (OTJ #0020) - Evidence links on my other Deckbox comment here: … 60#p127960
    - Other user scramasax has also mentioned they have a double-sided Angel (OTJ #0002) // Plot (OTJ #0020) which is not in the system.

scramasax wrote:

there is plot behind the token of breaking news also

for the main set I am missing
angel // plot

I've added your comment about the double-sided Angel (OTJ #0002) // Plot (OTJ #0020) token to another of mine in the separate "Missing printings" thread in this forum: … 73#p127973

For the Meteorite token:

If you only meant a single-sided meteorite token, then it does exist already here under the Extras for OTJ as #0017: … ting=90569
- It's called "Token: Meteorite", likely because a functionally-identical thing was printed as a normal card with a Mana Cost in previous sets: the 2015 Core Set, Magic Origins, 2021 Core Set, The List, and most recently in Dominaria United.

If you meant a double-sided meteorite token, then there are two that already exist in the Extras for OTJ:
Mercenary (OTJ #0010) // Token: Meteorite (OTJ #0017): … ting=91220
Treasure (OTJ #0018) // Token: Meteorite (OTJ #0017): … ting=91255
I can't see any google results for other double-sided meteorite tokens, so I'm not sure any others exist.

Thanks Sebi.

Still waiting for the Outlands of Thunder Junction Art Series cards when you can: … -art-cards

Edit: Unfortunately there's at least one double-sided token combination missing:
I've got a double-sided Human Rogue (OTP #0002) // Plot (OTJ #0020) which doesn't seem to be in the list. [Happy to upload Screenshots / Video if it helps.]

Example Store Links:

New Zealand Stores: … ews-tokens … ews-tokens

Canadian Stores: … ews-tokens

United States Stores: … ews-tokens … ken/605494

Australian Stores: … ews-tokens

Thanks Sebi.

I believe it might just the OTC Art Cards missing now: … -art-cards


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks Sebi!

When you get a chance, here are some of the other things that need to be added.

Full list with images are on the official Wotc site here:

Special Guests for Thunder Junction:

Thanks Sebi!

Acknowledging it's a low priority, any chance of getting the Murder at Karlov Manor Art Series added anytime soon?


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Acknowledging it's a low priority, any chance of getting the Murder at Karlov Manor Art Series added anytime soon?

Thanks Sebi.

After these additions, the only things I still haven't been able to add personally are the LCI Prerelease cards and the Double-sided Dinosaur // Dinosaur Egg token from the LCI Prerelease Packs. (Links below)

Prerelease Cards:
At least 140 of these exist:

Double-Sided "Dinosaur // Dinosaur Egg" token: … lan-tokens … ided-token … lan-tokens … ed%20Token

ZombieSleeve wrote:

To summarize a bunch of the recent posts here; from the recent Lost Caverns of Ixalan set we are missing a few things:

1. Special Guests
Like the List, I think this list will just keep growing every set that has one.

2. LCI Additions to the List

3. Pre-Release Stamped Promos
(This has not been updated yet)

4. LCI Art Cards

Hope we are able to get these up soon!

Seconding all these!

sebi wrote:

Imports today:
* double-sided tokens from Wilds of Eldraine prerelease pack

Thank you! smile

Bumping to say that with the next set being released next week, the two different double-sided tokens that are in every Wilds of Eldraine (WOE) prerelease pack still haven't been added yet. I've added the Official link and 3rd party URLs below to prove their existence. The two are:

  • {Wicked // Cursed on one side} & {'On An Adventure' on the other}

  • {Monster // Sorcerer on one side} & {Royal // Young Hero on the other}

Can you take a look for us when you can please Sebi?

Previous comment of mine in this thread: … 88#p127188

Official site link: … f-eldraine
3rd Party Game Store URL - Type 1: … ine-tokens
StarCityGames URL - Type 1: … 15t16-enn/
3rd Party Game Store URL - Type 2: … ine-tokens
StarCityGames URL - Type 2: … 18t17-enn/


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Bumping to request the WoE Art Series be added please Sebi smile


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks Sebi.

Just got three things myself that I can't add yet:

  • Wilds of Eldraine Art Series cards - 81 of these as shown here:

  • Prerelease Promo foils - Scryfall has 80 of these, unsure if that's complete:

  • Double-sided token - Monster [WOE #15] // Sorcerer & Royal // Young Hero [WOE #16] (which came from a Prerelease pack)

Thanks Sebi! smile

Thanks Sebi.

There's two things I'm aware of that are still missing:
- The MOTM Art Series (whole range)
- At least one March of the Machine Commander [MOC] Token (which is single-sided):

Let me first say Welcome! smile

All of the cards you listed do exist in the database already, with one possible exception being the plant token from NEC; see below.

Some of them are double-sided or variants of other cards, which might be why you didn't find them originally.

In the same order that you posted the links, here are the corresponding Deckbox items:,%20God%20of%20the%20Worthy%20//%20Valkmira,%20Protector's%20Shield?printing=54690 … ting=61128 … ting=61148 … ting=61264 … ting=61199 … ting=61411 … ting=64769
[ There doesn't seem to be a single-sided variant of this token in NEC - is it double sided? If so, it's likely this one:] … ting=63385 … ting=54921

sebi wrote:
thedwan wrote:
Thunderweb wrote:

I have a double-faced token from collector booster. Will it be added someday?

Seconding this!

Added these yesterday.

Thank you!

[Edit:] I was a dumb when I thought one double-faced token (#3 / #5) from ONE was missing. It was just in the system as (#5 / #3) instead. cool

Thunderweb wrote:

I have a double-faced token from collector booster. Will it be added someday?

Seconding this!

Thanks Sebi. I've imported everything of mine in ONE now except for the Double-sided ONE tokens. ( … ill-be-one)

ZombieSleeve wrote:

Thanks Sebi!

Updates are always appreciated!

We are almost there with ONE, I think we're just missing the Art Series now:

Seconding the request to get the Art Series cards added.

Also looking for these to be added too when you have a chance please Sebi!

Requesting that the following be added when possible, please:

These related to ONE:

  • The prerelease versions of Phyrexia: All Will Be One cards.

  • The Phyrexia: All Will Be One Art Series cards.

  • There are some double-sided Phyrexia: All Will Be One tokens missing. I don't know a total of how many permutations exist, but I definitely got these two from boosters in my ONE set booster box:

1) Phyrexian Goblin [ONE 003] // Rebel [ONE 005] and 2) Phyrexian Goblin [ONE 003] // Phyrexian Mite [ONE 011]
WOTC Reference: … ill-be-one

These related to 'The List' / 'Mystery Booster':
In my ONE Set Booster box I got a number of these cards, but one of them doesn't exist on Deckbox.
* Only the Planeshift printing of the card 'Implode' exists on Deckbox as of the time of this post: … nting=9248
* Here is a Scryfall Link to the The List printing of 'Implode':

These related to '30th Anniversary Promos':
At the ONE prerelease I attended (in New Zealand, in case it matters?) all players were given a 30th Anniversary Promo version of 'Exalted Angel'.
* As of the time of this post, a number of versions exist on Deckbox:, but not this 30th Anniversary Version.
* Here is a Scryfall Link to the 30th Anniversary Play Promo of this card:
* Here is the WOTC Link explaining the distribution of these 30th Anniversary Promos: … ducts-more

Hi All. For those that bother adding their Art Series cards to deckbox at all (I was on the fence, but decided to do it), I was wondering how you're differentiating between the normal version, and the alternative version with either the gold artist signature / other marking on the art side.

When I had a look, the only way I could think to do it was to use the 'signed' flag for the gold signature/marking version, because they don't have the 'able to be foil' flag set.

For example, here is a filter on my inventory, showing the Art Series cards I have from some recent sets: … =a&s=m Extras: Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Art Series … =a&s=m Extras: The Brothers' War Art Series

Obviously using the 'signed' flag isn't ideal, because if someone were filtering my inventory based on that flag, they'd assume that any results were in fact, individually signed: usually by the artist directly.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi Sebi, cheers for putting this up on the day of release!

Minor thing, but I noticed that the edition for 'Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander' below is missing card numbers 29 and 30, which are allegedly / apparently bigger or 'thicker' versions of cards 1 and 2 in the set respectively. … -commander

Also a request for when you're able to: That the Phyrexia: All Will Be One Art Series be added. smile