Hi, I don't know if this reply fits in this topic, but I thought it was the closest it could fit to.

When I purchased the Premium version I thought (maybe hoped) it could have helped me with one issue I have when building my decks. Let me explain. I usually build multiple different decks at once, this is why I was intrigued by the possibility to set a deck as built. What I was hoping to obtain was a way to assign and keep track of the cards I own through multiple decks. An example: if I own 8x Brainstorm (4x from Ice Age and 4x from Mercadian Masque), I was hoping that, after using all 8 of them in two decks (picking one version for one deck and the other for the other; this I can do) I would have the possibility to see (maybe with the usual red colored background number, used when cards are not in the inventory or another color not to mix those two concepts; orange, for example) that I was missing other copies once I wanted to add additional Brainstorm to a third deck. It looks to me that the first column shows already how many you are using in the current deck compared to how many you have (4/8 in my Brainstorm example before). Maybe there's a way to show also how many you are using in all built decks.

This would help me in understanding how many copies of each card I need to build all the decks at once without having to move cards form deck to another. I usually proxy the additional cards I don't have enough copies of (more than 4) and this feature would help me a lot.

I hope I was able to explain myself.

Have a nice day.