Same here.

I'm just curious if there is any consideration for supporting this card game as well. TCG player has it supported in it's own little Collection tracker but that thing is nowhere near as easy to use or nice to look at as Deckbox.


(1 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

I was inputting a bunch of cards I just acquired and several of them return no results in the import sectrion.

Teron Gorefiend Timewalkers 19/30 - Green
Mannoroth the Destructor Timewalkers 24/30 - Green
Sigil of the Legion Betrayal 61/202 - White
Elistari Silverwind Betrayal 67/202 - Green
Wrathguard Defender Betrayal 165/202 - White

HikingStick wrote:

This is a tough one, because other players may care about seeing quantities per card.  Using your example, what if you had a different quantity of 4th ed. Detonate? Per your preference, you'd see:

     4 Detonate - 5th, 4th, Mirrodin

Others may want to know how many of each:

     1 Detonate - 5th
     2 Detonate - 4th
     1 Detonate - Mirrodin

I think, long term, it would be great if the cards were in collapsible rows (or something similar):

     Detonate (4)
      +- 5th E. (1)
      +- 4th Ed. (2)
      +- Mirrodin (1)

Those who want the details get them, but those who don't can see the total quantity on a single line.

+1 for this. How difficult would that be to implement though?

Yeah being able to have the site remember my info was handy. I'm more confused as to how I get my inventory to show me my cards in the "most recently added" format that the previous "Add Cards" widgety thing was nice enough to inform me about if I wasn't already using it.
edit: Nevermind. Seems everytime I can't figure something out and go ask I figure it out after a minute more poking around trying to figure it out.

Duplicates being all over the place because their information isn't the -EXACT- same as others of the same title does seem a bit excessive though.

I've got the Shrines if you still need them, and feel like trading with Canada.