(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

So I'm considering selling off my collection and I've been hitting a snag with how to get the most out of it.  I would prefer to just sell off everything in one go but I understand that few people would have the monetary resources to buy it.  So I pose the question to all you fine people, how do I get the most for my collection? Thanks for your help and advice!

One more bump just for good measure then I'll give up.

Bump :-)

Looking to get 2 Olivias for my Jund deck.  Any takers?

hanker307 wrote:

I mean I guess I can, but for $3 why not just get them all?

Fair enough.  I just don't know what I'd do with them.  F**k it, starting discussion

Are you willing to sell in non playsets?  I collect Dragons and would love an English Hypersonic and a Japanese one for my collection.  Let me know!

Tuning my Jund deck and I need a little help.  Thanks in advance guys!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent offer


Just what it says up there ^

Also looking for a bunch of low priced commons and uncommons for my casual GW Populate deck.



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I don't have much anymore but take a look and see if we can make a deal!  Cheers!


Thanks for your time and consideration!

2x Thragtusk
3x Overgrown Tomb


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

No EDH for you!!!!!

One more bump. Sigh...

So noone wants to give up a Kozilek?  Sad panda :-(

^ I have no shame lol

Shameless bump :-)

I need Sir Kozilek for my EDH, I would grateful if someone could hook me up!

Also need 1x Blood Crypt

AgainstOne wrote:

i need to report someone as well if someone would be kind enough to tell me how.

also, please tell us this guys name so we can avoid him.  none of us want to deal with fairweather traders like that.

i've traded cards at tournaments and forgot to remove them from my deckbox only to trade them on here as well.  when happens, i suck it up and get one from my inventory and put one on my wishlist.  you make the mistake, you pay for it.

when you make a trade agreement, it is a binding contract and there is no backing out.

I wish I could upvote this.

Shameless bump :-)

I would be willing to do the TCG price.  I've found SCG to be the "give me more money" site lol

Ouch, yea 20 is a little more than I was looking to give.  I'm not particular about foils in this deck

What are you using to value the foil?