Would be great to have links added in the “Related Products and Singles” section under “editions” entry.  For instance, Duskmourn should have Duskmourn Commander in there as a clickable link.  Also the Duskmourn Special Guests.

This is a low priority ask if its hard to do.


(7 replies, posted in Announcements)

tallpaul02 wrote:

Holy snot!
How long has the mobile version button been a thing and I've just completely missed it?!
This is fantastic!


Mobile version button????

I'd like to see at the top of each set, along with the tokens that are listed, a link to the "other crap" that is relevant in the Editions screen.  So for March, it would be the MUL stuff (and vice versa).  For OTJ, it would be the BIG and OTP links.  For WOE, it would add WOT.  And for each of them, adding in a link to the commander set (ie for WOE it would have a link to WOC).  Just a small "quality of life" update

Missing some Commander MOC bonus cards from the Costco packs (seen here, Canada): https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https% … hgkd1.jpeg
Costco US: https://www.costco.com/magic-the-gather … 91772.html

Ajani: https://scryfall.com/card/pres/9/ajani-mentor-of-heroes
Jace: https://scryfall.com/card/pres/2b/jace-memory-adept



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I’m in the same boat.  Ticket submitted Aug 20, and no reply.  Trying to get everything prepped for an insurance claim and have run out of time waiting.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I am also experiencing this.  Can’t upload from anywhere but a previous deck box export file.

sebi wrote:

True, the "$" text is quite small and awkward to click on mobile, I might need find some solution for that...

I think you should move the drop down for Price Source elsewhere. How often do folks change from price source to price source versus picking one and going with it?

So I just figured out the crowd sourcing is mostly done for OG Jumpstart.  People have added the JMP decks and loaded them in as distinct decks to be searched.  So I can copy the deck to my deck "ideas" but I am unsure of how to mass import all the cards, which is the other thing I want to be able to do. 

1) Load each deck
2) Import all cards in the deck to my inventory, with the listed printing, regardless of if I have the card in any printing or that editions printing already.

This should work for Commander pre-cons as well, once someone uploads it as a deck, any of us could easily grab it and dump into inventory.

Im here trying to do the same thing as a premium sub.  I specifically am working on OG jumpstart right now, and I havent even touched all my commander pre-cons I have been accumulating over the years.

Would be great to have the list of pre-cons and just hit "import".  Would be happy to be some of the crowd that sources this.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Im not sure how this would work, but I would love to see it too.  Ideally I would like to be able to see cards trending up in particular.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Abbanation wrote:
ElfMaster wrote:

Unless Im blind, OTC isnt there yet either

Correct. I think last time, it took 4 or 5 days before the commander decks of a regular set were added

Makes sense.  I'm rarely this on the ball with filing so I would have been 3 weeks or more after a set release and wouldn't have noticed.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Unless Im blind, OTC isnt there yet either