Hey guys, im new here on deckbox, but ive decided to start selling off my magic collection as its been collecting dust for 15+ years.

The only addition to the collecrion since i stopped playing in 2002/2003 is a deck box I picked up with some newer cards about 7 years ago.

Ive posted up some big name cards on ebay, and I will have an absolute ton of stuff going up for sale over the next month as I have time to list it all.

EVERY AUCTION starts at 1$ Spread the Word!

Ive made a reasonably complete tradelist available here, or you can find my big name stuff on ebay. Account name: Culture514

I also included a link to a Collectors Edition Black Lotus I posted. This is literally just the beggining.

http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/706-53473 … olid=11111


(4 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
