Wow, yeah you did. Two years ago it looks like. You obviously put forth a lot more effort getting your point across. I'm definitely down for helping when I have to manually enter them anyway. Might as well get it all done up in such a way that others can use the work I've already done. Sad though that it probably wont become an actual Feature. Thanks for the link.

As soon as I expand my storage such that I can actually open the product without it laying everywhere I'll be adding my Guild Kits. If no one else has done lists by then it's likely that I will. Though at this point that could still be a bit. Between christmas and the fact that I literally have to design and create my new storage solution (nothing out there is close enough to what I need) I am not exactly expecting to do so soon.

Its one of the reasons why it would have been nice to have the button already there. Could have just hit the button and said "screw it, I'll sort them away when I have more space."

I buy a lot of pre-constructed product, in fact I buy almost every preconstructed product available for under $100. Its a real pain in the butt to crack every one of those and add them one by one. You could in theory add a deck created by another user to your collection by going down the column on the left but that's little better than manually entering them one by one, and worse yet user decks often have version errors. I could add one of each thing in a set to my inventory as a premium member but preconstructed product rarely if ever has only one copy of each thing inside.
It would be really great if the team could add preconstructed product as we continue (such as commander decks, plainswalker decks, guildkits etc) and give us a button to add that precon to our collections.