Sounds good, started a trade.

Found a Badlands, still looking for Underground Sea and Volcanic Island. Have some spendy T2 stuff to trade.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested, but your wishlist is pretty short and I only have 1 thing on it. Good luck finding the right trade partner smile

Looking for 1 of each, Underground Sea, Volcanic Island, Badlands. Trading anything on my tradelist, I probably have some more stuff that isn't on there if you see enough to get remotely close.

Still have the Volcanic Islands? Interested in buying just 1.

You look like you are going for an aggro control deck here. One thing to note is that life gain in general isn't a great strategy. It can be really helpful against certain decks, but in general it doesn't affect the board and isn't effective enough to be worth the resources spent. You'll want to lose a bunch of those cards for sure. I would remove Life's Finale as well, you have a lot of creatures so you want to focus more on spot removal for problems your opponent has and hand disruption for getting rid of problems before they even occur. Some of your creatures are sort of lacking compared to your other options as well. My attempt to keep with the basic theme of the deck, but upgrade some pieces based on your inventory:

-1 Rusted Sentinel
-2 Gravedigger
+2 Blade Splicer
+2 Porcelain Legionnaire
+1 Sengir Vampire

-1 Angel's Mercy
-2 War Report
-1 Taste of Blood
-1 Caress of Phyrexia
-1 Phyrexian Unlife
-2 Elixir of Immortality
-1 Life's Finale
-1 Corrupt
-1 Sorin's Thirst
+2 Despise
+1 Duress
+2 Oblivion Ring
+2 Doom Blade
+1 Grasp of Darkness
+1 Journey to Nowhere


(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

Awesome, thanks!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I found references to fake cards that were actually stickers, hopefully that isn't what you have smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For some reason it is setting the URL as:

<img src="">

which is the UTF-8 escaping, but not correct for use in a URL I don't think.