Hello everyone!  As the title states, I have many cards for trade, especially:

  • 2x Geist of Saint Traft

  • 2x Armada Wurm

  • 2x Hallowed Fountain

  • 4x Hinterland Harbor

  • and more!

I am looking for the following:

  • 2x Blood Crypts

  • 1x Woodland Cemetery

  • 1x Thragtusk

  • 2x Falkenrath Aristocrat

I am also looking for these cards, but they're lower on my priority:

  • 1x Liliana of the Veil

  • 2x Dreadbore

Please feel free to open up a trade with me!  Thanks for looking! =]

As stated in the title, I'm taking apart my Bant deck, wanting to form a Jund deck.


  • 4x Geist of Saint Traft

  • 4x Hallowed Fountain

  • 4x Hinterland Harbor

  • 3x Detention Sphere

  • 2x Glacial Fortress

  • and more!


  • 2x Olivia Voldaren

  • 2x Woodland Cemetery

  • 2x Overgrown Tomb

  • 4x Blood Crypt

  • 3x Dreadbore

  • and more!

Check out my deckbox!

Thanks!  smile


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you so much!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Here is a link to the trade that requires fixing:


Thanks again!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


In my previous trade, I marked Neutral instead of Positive! sad  Is there any way to correct this mistake?

Thank you!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hola, and welcome to the site! =]

I've sent you a trade request, BTW! big_smile

Hello everyone!  I hope you are all having a great Sunday evening! 

I am currently looking for the following:

  • 3x Restoration Angels

  • 3x Birds of Paradise

  • 4x Sunpetal Groves

I have several planewalkers, such as:

  • 2x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad

  • 3x Garruk Relentless

  • 1x Gideon Jura

and more!  Check out my deckbox if interested.  Thanks for looking! =]

Bump! Still looking for a Bonfire! Thanks! =]

As the title says, I'm looking for one, possibly two Bonfires of the Damned. I have some Plainswalkers, along with other cards in my deck box for trade. Please open up a trade with me if interested.  Thank you, and have a nice weekend!

Messaged you. =]