I have a feature request, which might be also interesting for others.

So I am working on a little app where I can track the prices of my collection, and on how much the cards gained or lost in price.
I have to maintain a second csv file where I have inserted two more columns and maintain the date I purchased a card and the price I paid for that card. I then misuse another column to mark the cards that I have listed in my second csv file. So I can very easily see in my app track the prices.

Is there a possibility to add those two columns?

So I do not know if this was different any time earlier, but the newer double sided cards are in my opinion right, for example:

Needleverge Pathway // Pillarverge Pathway

Thing is, when I export my collection, some cards are missing the card back in the title separated with two slashes. Would like to know, if this is a bug or intended.

Example how I would expect it:
Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin

How it actually looks like:
Search for Azcanta

Is this something that can be fixed?


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I propose you to use a browser plugin (this one is for chrome, but probably other browser have similar plugins) which is called "Dark Reader".