(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sandra wrote:

Well darn and all I got is a Mac

Powershell is open source, you can install it on a Mac as well.

Manic wrote:

History lesson time.

It's always wise to keep history lessons handy, and some of the things that happened with comic books (or sports cards) may work as cautionary tales in some cases. But we've seen this parallel drawn for many years now, and it's only fair to also include the critique to your argument, as usual. I agree with RC27 - it's not quite a valid comparison. Some reasons:

- As a game, Magic cards have bigger usability than comics.
- Additionally, synergies between cards keep happening. New cards and format reprints affect the value of previously printed cards. This does not happen with comics.
- The collectors segment in the comic books audience is arguably much larger (at least it certainly was in the 1990s) than the collectors segment in the Magic audience.   
- The collapse of the comic books market had a lot to do with distributors and an artificially inflated demand. Not really the current scenario with Magic. Also, WotC became an internal division in Hasbro. The chances of Hasbro selling WotC are frankly remote.

So we'll see bullish-bearish cycles and corrections in the secondary market, yes. Perhaps we'll see a progressive transfer of value from paper Magic to Arena (although I wouldn't bet hard on that). But a major crash? I very much doubt it. At least not for the same reasons that crashed the comic books market.

Disclaimer: My opinion is not a result of wishful thinking. The perspective of my MtG collection losing a lot of its value does not really bother me, and I would also take the chance to buy some things if the prices crashed hard.

I've wanted to bring this up in several occasions over the last months, in different forum topics, and unless I missed an already existing one, I think it deserves a separate discussion.

First of all, it's obvious to everyone that Sebi has done excellent work in this site. It's an awesome toolbox, I have recommended it multiple times, and I wish that just one fraction of users from other TCG management or market websites (namely Cardmarket in Europe) would move in. Not only for the collection and deck organizer engine, but particularly for the trading interface. As an old cat who used to go on Sundays with my duplicates binder to the flea market when Revised was in print, I feel that the current Magic player/collector base is sorely lacking pure, simple trading options. Sure, even back then we'd carry some magazine issue with the latest card price list as trading reference, and you'd see money talking some times, but nowadays everything is middle-managed by currency and broker sites and that's too bad. Deckbox is a refreshing exception and just for that reason it deserves all my support, collection management aside.

However, life happens, things evolve and understandably Sebi is busy in other fronts as well. Right now the backlog for necessary fixes, card additions, user support and feature requests is becoming alarmingly long, and with MH2 around the corner and considering how Hasbro/WotC are speeding up the pace, Deckbox might progressively lose its premium and advantages, and be left behind. That is, unless more hands get to work ASAP.

I'm aware that it is complex to add additional admins to a serious website, for multiple reasons. Been there, done that. And perhaps this is already being discussed in the backstage. But in case it isn't, I feel Deckbox needs this topic on the table. I would like this site to keep up, to evolve and to build up more critical user mass, but progress seems too stuck for this to happen, and context keeps pushing harder.

Please discuss.

RDPARTY wrote:

Hey Sebi,

Will you be able to add an option for the card type so we can distinguish the cards with etched foiling? Some of the mystical archives from the Collectors boxes have etched foil edge treatments.

There's discussion about tagging etched foils here. There should be a solution for that in an incoming update.

Hello, you may want to share a link generated with "Anyone with the link can access/read" for your gdocs lists. Otherwise it asks to request access with your email, and most people won't bother to do that.

kjzlo wrote:

I there any option for dividing time spiral remastered into two sets (new fram and old frame) -"time spiral remastered" and "time spiral remastered timeshifted" like original Time spiral ?

Not sure if that has been considered at a site database level, but right now you can filter and display only the TSR Timeshifted cards in your inventory by selecting Rarity=Special in addition to Edition Owned=Time Spiral Remastered.

In a quick URL hack, that would be https://deckbox.org/sets/INVENTORY?f=c3605!635 replacing INVENTORY with for example your inventory set number.

I suppose the reason for this "bug" relates to why colored cards with 0 cost, for instance Pact of Negation, won't show up when filtering for that color.
If the search engine derives card color from symbols in the casting cost, my guess is that it chokes on unorthodox CMCs as well. Perhaps the only solution for these issues is the inclusion of an additional, specific "Color" DB field that overrides the CMC value in specific cases like MDFCs and zero cost cards.


(46 replies, posted in Announcements)

+1 for an additional Foil Etched flag.
There's already multiple possibilities for users to wrongly flag cards (foils in sets that don't have them, languages that don't exist for that set...) so, unless sebi wants to implement multiple criteria to enable or disable type flags based on card and edition, which can be a clusterf**k retrospectively, that is something better left for users to manage.
In order to minimize mistakes, like users accidentally picking Foil Etched instead of Foil, use a different flag icon and maybe avoid placing the Foil Etched option right below the regular Foil in the drop down.

Hello, I'm aware that this belongs to the support desk, but since I am locked out of my deckbox account (although my user is still logged in to the forum, as I found out) I cannot use it, never mind my premium subscription, since it requires to be logged in to the main site. Three days ago I changed my account email, and after the system logged me out for new mail validation, the email never arrived. Not in inbox, nor in spam folder. And it is not some obscure email service, it is a gmail account. I tried several times to log in and ask to resend the activation email, without result. I sent emails to the support mail box and to the general info mail box, without answer. Hopefully some moderator will notice this message. Could you please ask the person in support to check email, and maybe check the outgoing mail server for activation messages? I have trades and messages waiting for answer since the weekend.

Feel free then to delete this message once the problem is solved. Thank you.