(0 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I commonly play large non-format 4-10 player multiplayer games with friends. We have very lose rules on banned/restricted cards and basically all the cards I have listed are legal in our "house format". The goal of my deck is basically to get Master of Cruelties out and basically make him untargetable and unblockable. You then attack with the Master of Cruelties and then shock/lighting bolt/boros charm them.  If anyone has any ideas on how to improve it please let me know.


I have thought of it but right now we play with young guys as well as old veterans and I don't think the vets want to do EDH. Basically we have no real big restrictions.


60+ cards
4 of one type
1 of any real OP card so like Sol Ring, Mox, Demonic tutor, ect.

Other than that no limit on what type of cards you can have. Can be from alpha to gate crash.

I got two current decks for large multiplayer games and was wondering if anyone had any improvements or suggestions.

My first deck is a 70 card Simic deck in which I am looking to buy more manipulators and mages.


My other deck is a large RBGW jund multiplayer type deck where I am looking to add red & green titans to.


Any suggestions or anything would be great.

My thoughts are that I end up with a lot of mana pretty much every game. The mana excel(Kodama, Cultivate, Nature's Lure, Birds, Garruk, the land druid) in the deck with the creature kill lets me stay in the game for a relatively long time when we are talking about multiplayer. The reason the Hellkite is there is for the Natural Orders or for the late game also the abilities on him make him pretty close to unbeatable if he works his way out. I mean we play really big multiplayer games I am talking like 5-10 people normally so there are points where there are truces and what not. Every 2 players away is in your world and you can effect them but attack 1 person away.

I keep my deck like this because I want to be able to deal with a whole lot of issues when they arise. I have also been thinking about picking up tri-lands as well.

My Deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/186436

I am looking for any suggestions on what cards I can cut out from this multiplayer deck.

I am basically a player that loves his one deck and wants to just play that one deck constantly in all multiplayer games. Over the years I have been turning a simple red and green mana acceleration/monsters/direct damage deck into this monstrous 100+ card red, green, black, and white deck that has been modified to deal with a ton of different decks( wraiths of gods, naturalizes, terrors, shatter storms, Tranquility) in an attempt to keep up with the numerous different types of decks my fellow casual multiplayers have been coming up with. I have come to the realization that I might need to stream and improve my deck to help me win more of these multiplayer games.

The background on the multiplayer games is that my father, brother, my friends, my father's friends, and myself get together 1-3 times a year for 3-5 days to play tons of magic and can dozens of games in there period of time with anywhere from 3-10 player games at a time.

The cards that are listed are all legit, my father has been a collector since the 80s and the majority of the older cards/duel lands are his from when the originally were released.