Topic: Multiplier Decks for 8+ player games

I got two current decks for large multiplayer games and was wondering if anyone had any improvements or suggestions.

My first deck is a 70 card Simic deck in which I am looking to buy more manipulators and mages.

My other deck is a large RBGW jund multiplayer type deck where I am looking to add red & green titans to.

Any suggestions or anything would be great.

Last edited by DarkReaver1337 (2013-03-01 09:12:25)

Re: Multiplier Decks for 8+ player games

Have you ever played the Commander/EDH format? I started playing it this year, and find it to be the most fun for a multi-player venue.  Because you are limited to a quantity of one of each card (other than non-basic land, and cards that specifically override the limit--e.g., Relentless Rats!), people tend to get creative with their decks.

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Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Multiplier Decks for 8+ player games

I have thought of it but right now we play with young guys as well as old veterans and I don't think the vets want to do EDH. Basically we have no real big restrictions.


60+ cards
4 of one type
1 of any real OP card so like Sol Ring, Mox, Demonic tutor, ect.

Other than that no limit on what type of cards you can have. Can be from alpha to gate crash.

Re: Multiplier Decks for 8+ player games

We do the same. But we go by MTG legality rules.

60 card minimum. No proxies unless you OWN the card proxied. 4 limit to any non-basic land. Limit on any card deemed by MTG rulings due to which set you are playing (If you play with 1 card listed as vintage, those are the standards your deck must go by, Legacy by legacy standards, Modern by modern standards, Standard by standard rulings)

I prefer Vintage, but most of my friends play modern or standard. So there are times where my Vintage deck goes against a legacy deck, 2 modern decks, and 1 standard deck.

Makes for interesting multiplayer games smile