Here is where I am on a new deck idea I am focusing on for FNM play.
The Idea is to ramp up toward a cycle of Primadox, Acidic Slim, Thragtusk and Thundermaw while using Bond Beetle in the meantime to buff up the chumps and Burn for control...

4x Borderland Ranger
3x Scorned Villager
2x Young Wolf
1x Somberwald Sage
1x Wolfir Silverheart
1x Thundermaw Hellkite
3x Acidic Slime
3x Arbor Elf
3x Bond Beetle
3x Roaring Primadox
1x Thragtusk
2x Yeva, Nature's Herald
1x Descendants' Path
2x Rancor
1x Cavern of Souls
2x Reliquary Tower
1x Rootbound Crag
8x Mountain
12x Forest
1x Chandra, the Firebrand
2x Thunderbolt
2x Flames of the Firebrand
2x Searing Spear
2x Turn to Slag
2x Farseek

I would love to hear some opinions for improvement.
Just FYI: I am mostly interested in common / uncommon improvements as I don't intend to spend much on this deck as it is not my primary and dont want to spend too much more on rares...
I do have 2 Primordial Hydras I could throw in if I need more bombs...


Looks like AVR is the way to go!

I'm really trying to learn the game well so that I can excel in skill rather than just buying the best singles available and copying someone's Top 8 deck.

Whats awesome about this game is that even if you had 2 players with exact same decks even in the exact same draw order play against each other, the decks would still play differently and the skill level would shine through...

I am fairly new to MTG and trying to build my card base. So far I have purchased 4x complete common / uncommon from M13 and an M13 booster box, so I have a good collection from M13.
Im now wondering what I should go after next. I am looking to buy a fat pack from one of the current Standard sets but just dont know which one. I have heard that AVR has been an overall let down, but i'm not really sure.

Here's my question:

If you had a good collection from M13 and wanted to build a better card base for Standard Legal Decks - what fat pack would you buy? smile


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nice...Thank you! I knew there had to a way that made since...

I am new to magic and just started my collection by purchasing 4x playset of all M13 Commons and Uncommons in addition to an M13 Booster Box.
I want to track my cards and build deck ideas through deckbox and im wondering if there is a way to import the entire list of commons / uncommons 4x into my inventory so then I can just add my singles as I open them...
I cant seem to find a text only list of card names that I can just put a 4 in front of for quanity... anyone have a solution?