Topic: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

I am fairly new to MTG and trying to build my card base. So far I have purchased 4x complete common / uncommon from M13 and an M13 booster box, so I have a good collection from M13.
Im now wondering what I should go after next. I am looking to buy a fat pack from one of the current Standard sets but just dont know which one. I have heard that AVR has been an overall let down, but i'm not really sure.

Here's my question:

If you had a good collection from M13 and wanted to build a better card base for Standard Legal Decks - what fat pack would you buy? smile

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

Innistrad was good but I would give to AVR bc there are fair more playable cards (cavern, Bonfire, restoration angel etc.) that people want and you could easily trade those for other cards if you needed them. Although Innistrad did have the dual lands but I think youd probably find better value from the money cards in AVR. Just my opinion...

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

I would agree AVR seems to have more of the high dollar cards. But then again it depends on what kind of main deck you want. Innistrad had some good demons, whereas Dark Ascension had some really good Vampires, and AVR of course has the best angels.

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

I agree AVR for money cards.  Dark Ascension has been falling in price really severely, so you can easily trade for whatever you want from that set.  Huntsmaster of the Fells is the only card that's holding value right now.

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

Aside from the lands of Innistrad there is really only Liliana and Snapcaster that are worth money. Garruk is ok but easily tradeable

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

unless you really like to trade buying boxes is a waste of your money if you buy what you want outright you get what you want/need. You can put together a decent deck for eighty dollars and when you want to build a new deck you can trade cards from that one for new ones and buy the rest.

Re: Buying suggestions - what should i get?

Looks like AVR is the way to go!

I'm really trying to learn the game well so that I can excel in skill rather than just buying the best singles available and copying someone's Top 8 deck.

Whats awesome about this game is that even if you had 2 players with exact same decks even in the exact same draw order play against each other, the decks would still play differently and the skill level would shine through...