gtcooke94 wrote:
Grona wrote:

i be willing to trade your 1 deathrite shaman, 1 dustmantle seer, and 2 sunpetal grove for my 3 RTR hallowed fountains.


$41.34 for $31.35. No thanks.
I'll do it without the sunpetals and add a $1 bill to the package.
That would be $31.24 for $31.35.

I'll pass. I don't really need anything, just looking for value really.

would you be interested in a foil olivia? or just a regular one. i also have the sorins as well.

i be willing to trade your 1 deathrite shaman, 1 dustmantle seer, and 2 sunpetal grove for my 3 RTR hallowed fountains.


i have the  sphinx's revelations, and the spikes (currently have 2 korean, 1 chinese, and 1 english), the clifftop retreats (3 regular and 1 foil if you want it), and the sulfur falls (one is SP though).

LMK if you're interested, we can work out a price depending on which ones you want.