Topic: W: Sorin. Olivia. H: Cavern of Souls, Thundermaw Hellkite

I am looking for a playset of Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Olivia Voldaren.

Willing to trade anything on my trade list

Have?:  Cavern of Souls, Sublime Archangel, Thragtusk   etc.

Last edited by Speeker (2013-01-28 04:10:55)

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Re: W: Sorin. Olivia. H: Cavern of Souls, Thundermaw Hellkite

would you be interested in a foil olivia? or just a regular one. i also have the sorins as well.

Re: W: Sorin. Olivia. H: Cavern of Souls, Thundermaw Hellkite

I need multiple so both foil and non foil is fine.  And I definitely need Sorin

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