Hi TywooOnetime

Thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough reply.

Took on board your excellent advice although I am limited to RTR and GTC cards as I've only recently started collecting.  I think my collection will be a bit more fleshed out when m14 hits.

Decided to lose the Hover Barriers in favour of Aetherize and put the Izzet Staticasters in the main deck. I've actually brought the electromancers in and out of the deck a number of times so may be in the final build.

I know the weirds are not great, they are in there out of misplaced loyalty.  I thought i'd show them some love (despite just being pieces of cardboard):)

Plenty of token decks recently in my playgroup so i'm cautiously optimistic. Thanks again for the reply.

Surely Wight of Precinct Six is made for this deck.

My 2 cents. I just like the card:)

Hi made a deck using guttersnipe and a bunch of instants that i think could be fun and maybe even win a bit. anyone agree. The deck is here   http://deckbox.org/sets/326277.

Hi my deck can be found here.- http://deckbox.org/sets/315585

Looking to play this deck on my first ever real life game of magic. What do you guys think. I know it's not tier 1 or anything i'm just a timmy at heart:)

The plan is to evolve my one drops and hold ground until i get my biggies out.
I think this deck has a few ways to win but getting out giant adephage and zegana out would be a blast.

I'm limited to cards from RTR and GC though as I have only recently started collecting.