Topic: [standard] Guttersnipe deck for FNM

Hi made a deck using guttersnipe and a bunch of instants that i think could be fun and maybe even win a bit. anyone agree. The deck is here

Re: [standard] Guttersnipe deck for FNM

I have a variety of thoughts here:

Sadly this sort of deck is unlikely to be very successful as currently constructed.  Guttersnipe being the main win-con is too vulnerable to removal AND a single Deathrite Shaman lets them keep pace removing your spells OR they can undo all your efforts with creatures in the yard.  Obviously cards like Thundermaw Hellkite and Snapcaster Mage would help, but I'm a big believer in making things work without all the big money cards.

So what could make it more competitive?  Here are a few options:

1) Blistercoil Weird for all his amusing qualities, really just doesn't get the job done.  I'd drop him and put in Thought Scour.  The milling component of it is just an added bonus, more realistically, it's a cantrip to draw more cards (improving consistency and otherwise providing card advantage).

2) Hover Barrier is there to do what exactly?  If you're just looking to stall out the opponent, why not simply have a suite of Unsummon effects?  I'm thinking specifically about how Aetherize works wonders to stop aggro decks or otherwise any threats that are normally out of range.  Sometimes just delaying their threat a few turns can be HUGE.

3) I'm actually a fan of Hypersonic Dragon in something like this.  It offers a poor-man's thundermaw, giving you a 4/4 flying haste, but more importantly, you can then cast sorceries at instant speed.  This is huge, as things like Mizzium Mortars is now at instant speed.

4) For your instants: Electrickery, Skullcrack, and Annihilating Fire are either SB cards or should just be dropped in favor of better versions of themselves.  So, for instance, Izzet Staticaster can provide you with almost the same ability as Electrickery AND gives you a 3 toughness blocker... so you could, in theory, flash him in, block a creature, AND hit all their tokens or whatever for 1.  Skullcrack really only helps against Sphinx's Revelation and Thragtusk (both are big issues for you), so you put 3x of them in the SB, but mainboard you'll likely want more versatile stuff like Mizzium Mortars, Pillar of Flame or Searing Spear.  For Annihilating Fire, in 90% of cases, Searing Spear is just better.  For those instances where you need the creature to exile, Pillar of Flame is a cheaper alternative that does almost as much damage.  Similarly, Inspiration can be dropped in favor of other draw effects.

5) Mugging is nice, but unless you envision attacking a lot (which you'll be inclined not to do with your snipes), Pillar of Flame is probably the better spot here.

6) You'll note I've actually mentioned most of what's in your SB as being cards that should be MB.  The SB needs to be more match or situation specific cards.  For instance, you've done well with Act of Treason and, in many respects, with the staticasters.  But Skullcrack isn't the best option for burn damage most of the time - you could easily slide it into the board and wouldn't really notice most of the time.  One SB card that I would definitely suggest is Curse of Echoes - it might cost 5 to play, but if you can squeak it out, it totally hoses any control deck completely.

There are a few other cards you're leaving out that I've found to be quite useful. 

1) Brimstone Volley offers a great burn option.  It might cost three, BUT, if timed correctly, can almost always be for five.  When paired with even a single Snipe, that's seven damage for three mana if timed correctly.  It's also nice to have something that will kill a Thundermaw or Resto Angel in a pinch. 

2) Unsummon/Cyclonic Rift - as I said earlier, even delaying something one turn could be huge.

3) Snipes almost beg you to run some counter magic.  Sure, Cavern of Souls is out there, but the number of things that you CAN counter without worrying about it are numerous.  A few Essence Scatters/Negates/Dissipates/Syncopates would likely be quite welcome in here.  Counter their creature AND hit them for two?  Why not?

4) You need some way to protect the snipes.  This can be done with either counter magic or with things like Mizzium Skin.

5) Goblin Electromancers - make those instants/sorceries cheaper?

6) Runechanter's Pike - this could make any of your relatively small goblins into a pretty mean fellow.  Equip it on a Frostburn Weird or Hypersonic Dragon and you're making some noise pretty quickly.  You can even use Thought Scour to mill yourself to offer more of a pump.

In all, sadly I tried a similar build before GTC hit and it was unsuccessful.  Perhaps more has come since then and the meta has shifted enough that such a build could make some noise, but that's yet to be seen.  I hope these comments help and remember three things: playtesting is your best friend, you know your local meta better than any of us on here, and remember to have fun with it.

Good luck!

Re: [standard] Guttersnipe deck for FNM

Hi TywooOnetime

Thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough reply.

Took on board your excellent advice although I am limited to RTR and GTC cards as I've only recently started collecting.  I think my collection will be a bit more fleshed out when m14 hits.

Decided to lose the Hover Barriers in favour of Aetherize and put the Izzet Staticasters in the main deck. I've actually brought the electromancers in and out of the deck a number of times so may be in the final build.

I know the weirds are not great, they are in there out of misplaced loyalty.  I thought i'd show them some love (despite just being pieces of cardboard):)

Plenty of token decks recently in my playgroup so i'm cautiously optimistic. Thanks again for the reply.