(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

An interesting deck, but  based on what I'm seeing you have 13 creatures with which to win the game.

If you are trying to out-tempo your opponent (cards like Remand and Delver suggest that you are) you need to be able to lay a threat and ride it to victory while answering relevant threats/answers that your opponent presents. This indicates a model that needs to win in the early to mid game which, to me at least, means you need to be able to consistently represent a clock.

In short, I think you need more threats.

You have 10 counterspells and 12 removal spells (if you consider Thoughsieze to be removal), these are supposed to support your creature base, maybe drop a couple and add something like Bitterblossom or Tarmo (if you have) to the list to give it a higher threat density.

This issue occurs on a regular basis - and on more than one PC and in more than one browser.

In short: The red button that allows you to move card from the maindeck to the sideboard (and vice-versa) stops functioning after a while and the only way I get the issue to go away is to reload the page, upon which it works for a little while and then breaks again. I have not as of yet managed to figure out exactly what action causes this behavior but it does seem to be specific to that function (checking one or more cards and then clicking on the 'Card Actions' tab above the decklist also does not bring up the menu as expected.

Other than the bug the website is a joy to use - Thanks for a fantastic service!