Topic: Getting in Gear for Modern

I was wondering if anyone has any insight for my new B/U/G deck.

Re: Getting in Gear for Modern

It looks very similar to a Jund type deck. The only Issue I see is that you both lack any form of healing, and have included a higher mana curve in general. Perhaps you'd be better off with dropping 2-4 of the Cryptic Command for something else?

Re: Getting in Gear for Modern

An interesting deck, but  based on what I'm seeing you have 13 creatures with which to win the game.

If you are trying to out-tempo your opponent (cards like Remand and Delver suggest that you are) you need to be able to lay a threat and ride it to victory while answering relevant threats/answers that your opponent presents. This indicates a model that needs to win in the early to mid game which, to me at least, means you need to be able to consistently represent a clock.

In short, I think you need more threats.

You have 10 counterspells and 12 removal spells (if you consider Thoughsieze to be removal), these are supposed to support your creature base, maybe drop a couple and add something like Bitterblossom or Tarmo (if you have) to the list to give it a higher threat density.

Re: Getting in Gear for Modern

Tarmogoyf would be really nice here, but seeing that he is absent, maybe they aren't available.  Putrid Leech is a decent cheap creature that can be had for five or ten cents.  In the early game, he can actually kill Goyfs.  I think that Think Twice is a pretty slow card for Modern, so that could be the swap.  I also like Mana Leak a lot more than Remand in non-combo decks.  You're not digging for a combo piece, and it really sucks to Remand a 1 or 2 drop just to see it cast again that same turn.  Fill up Mana Leaks, cut Remands, include 2 Vapor Snag/2 Serum Visions depending on what you have/what you like.  Deck certainly looks cool though big_smile