(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Dakkon4444 wrote:
outofstep wrote:
nowa90 wrote:

...and never needed it my 28 other times.

Until now. Delivery confirmation... it's worth the money.

I couldn't agree more! ESPECIALLY from Canada (which is NOT a short distance). I have been to my post office and they still do not have it more have seen it. Again, as you stated, I am waiting to send once i receive your cards since your rating is at 38(?). You can understand why the cards havent been sent your way...

As for being on line, I just got back into the country dec. 23rd, so no I have NOT been online. I did in fact ask you if there was any tracking information of any kind and you said no you did not send tracking.

Now I know that you are the 4th person who has written something on this forum and I apologize that your cards have not gotten here. but this is (in this situation) NOT my fault, and unfortunately we can not track your items. The only thing to do is wait. and it is possible something happened with customs (which is something to consider).

If you are considering mail fraud, please be sure to read up on international law and use the laws governing Dartmoth Canada. Not that I am advocating this, but since you mentioned this for $15 worth of cards, I want to point you in the right direction so that you can have an easier time filing your claim. Just a note: if in good faith I send you my cards and still do not get it in return based on the terms of agreement (that the lower rating person send first and expect at least 4-6 weeks before filing a claim), shouldn't you be sited for fraud?

I have 0 time for fuckrys on this site and when it comes to trading cards. I understand how MTG is important to people and to steal or mis direct people on line would completely undermine the usefulness and the integrity of Deckbox and sites like this. Before you throw out the term fraud, take the time to understand the entire situation. Again, you are sending from Canada (customs), sending during holiday (fuckrys), without a tracking number. ANYTHING could have happened. It could be on its way back to you... we dont know; theres no tracking.

That still gives you a week to reply to me, and you had other trades happening. You were online (as far as I knew) almost every time I checked. I'll gladly give it another 2-3 weeks, but it was a bit worrying when you send something, then no reply from the other side for over 3 weeks. I traded someone in Floria and it took 22 days (sep 2-24th) so this is strange. I also sent in back in november, way before the holidays. Thanks for communicating.

EDIT: Could it be possible they sent it back while you were out of country?


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mbknight wrote:

1.   yeah it would be nice if he would go ahead and give you a positive but he may just be busy and honestly as long as ppl see the trade is completed its not that big of a deal so just be patient.

2. email him, and also look at his other trades.  Its possible it is on your end and the cards really didnt reach him, do you have tracking #?

I emailed him through here, nothing. He could atleast talk to me then, and say they didnt arrive. No tracking, it is a fairly short distance, and never needed it my 28 other times.

First problem is this:
He has not been on since Dec 2, but has received my cards and I have received his. Any way to end the trade and get a rating from him?

Second is a trade with someone with +63 rating (100%), and I sent my cards on Nov 16th. On dec 10 he said he still didn't have them, and since then he has said nothing to me. He was online today, and MANY times since the 10th, but no answer. It shouldnt have taken more then 10 days to get to him. Since he last messaged me, he has sent out ~4 others, and has some other trades accepted. I'd hate to bring up mail fraud, but I don't think I really have any other options. The trade was for 15$, if you were curious.

I fear we have entered the Youtube problem, with things not being centered. Visually, it is pretty annoying. The chat and address box are aligned to the very left, when it would be much nicer if it could center, and the address' be like they were before, underneath each person. Just my 2 cents.

Hit me up with a trade, we'll see what we can do!


Lucky for me only 4 of the cards are ones I really need right now, but still no word from him....

Are we talking about Dakon444? I haven't heard anything from him since dec 10, and he is online 24hours/day....

"nowa90    (they are) sent       24 Nov
nowa90    any news?     09 Dec
Dakkon4444    still awaitng their arrival    10 Dec"
Not quite sure what to do either..

Hit me up for a trade if you have them, or anything on my wishlist.

Can I suggest something? The potential trade's thing should not go by card quantity, but by value? I'd rather see that I can trade 9.52 to X and they could give me 5.76$ instead of 4 from me and 8 from X, OR if we could list it by how many cards we could give to the other people, seeing as there is a lot of "can give you 76, you can give 0"'s on my profile page.

give him time, people have personal troubles and/or he couldve been affected by sandy (he's in Pennsylvania, which may have been). I'd wait 4 weeks before thinking about throwing around mail fraud.

which Sorin?


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll take some mountains and forests!


I'd take some foil lands, empty fat pack boxes and a dice if you have them. Also cool for almost anything on the wishlist


not for a goblin, but I sent you a trade for 4 Hellrider's, hope it works out.

Shoot me a trade if interested, would like to get ride of all 4 of them in one trade, but whatever!



(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

foldingcouch wrote:
grossoggodeckbox wrote:

As I see it, this situation is no different than had the OP ordered an item from an online store which was lost in the mail.  The course of action which should be taken next were that to happen would not be debated by anyone, as we all would agree that the OP should be refunded by the online merchant.  Look at it this way: Would you give an ebay seller or Amazon 50% of the value of your order because it was lost in the mail?   No, and in fact it would be preposterous for anyone to suggest you should.  I don't know why that same argument is somehow considered reasonable in this forum.

The problem with this argument is that the OP did not order an item from an online store.  The OP ordered an item from an individual, and they discussed and agreed upon the conditions for each of them sending their cards.  Presumably both of them were aware of the risks when sending cards online, and chose to accept the risk that there would be issues with delivery.  Unfortunately for the OP, their cards did not arrive.  I've been in their position before and it's horrible.  That being said, it's unreasonable to go back to the sender and say that, despite the fact that they agreed upon the manner of sending, and that each would accept the risks involved with their agreed upon method, it is now the sender's responsibility to compensate the OP for 100% of the value.  If they wanted to saddle one party or the other with the whole of the risk before sending, they should have done so at the outset.  Unless there is a clear rule indicating that 100% of the loss shall reside with the sender in cases of non-delivery then I think the 50/50 split of the losses is more than reasonable on the part of the sender, it's generous.

Please explain to me how they share a 50% loss? All I see is OP lost 30$ in trade value, and the other half got they're cards. I'd either get the guy to send the cards back or give him cash/paypal.


(50 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

The other half of the trade should either send you your cards back, or give you 30$ in cash or cards. I don't understand why 15$ is a fair loss at all. You are responsible for the other side receiving the cards.

PS: What is the the reputation of the other party?

Just looking to get the stuff from my wishlist into my inventory, take a look




(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

my LGS has foils at 99c, and I bet normal lands are .05 or .10

Just pulled one today, if you want it shoot me a trade offer with some stuff, if there's a difference I'll check your tradelist.

I'd really like him, scour my inventory for something. 30$ is a bit steep for one card, but I do want it tongue


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'd like the unhunged mountain, forest, and the unglued swamp + forests. What do you value them at?