

Hey looking to finish Merfolk then move onto TRON.
High priority needs
-2x cursecatcher
-3x aether vial
-3x phantasmal image
-2x  cavern of souls
-2x mutavault
-1x lord of Atlantis
-3x spreading seas
-2x spell pierce
-1x chalice of the void

Low priority
Tron staples all of them in diff quantities!!

Thanks for looking

Hey guys long time for me since trading but I am lookin to get into the modern format no exact wish list yet but looking for staples from either of these decks including some of the uncommons money is also a possibility!!

Hey going away for work so just want one modern deck and this is it! If you have some of these pieces or a lot please send an offer I have a great BWR midrange standard deck I would be more than willing to trade as a whole for a good price if someone had a few pieces for this deck. Go ahead and check the inventory not tradelist as I am willing to part with almost anything!

Title says it shoot an offer if interested would also take cursecatcher and silvergill adept to even it up if their were only two. Vials

Hey guys looking to get into modern slowly and would like to go for some merfolk would be willing to trade from inventory if the right deal comes up
Main priorities woul be
4x aether vial
4x curse catcher
1x lord of Atlantis

Low priority
2xmaster of waves
4xtidebinder Mage.
1x threads of disloyalty



Hey title says it or 2 bonfire plus 2 sublime's


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Avnartt wrote:

I have three temples the dreadbore and the two rakdos return. any chance your willing to trade avacyn? my friend really wants one.

Offer sent


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone trying to finish off a standard deck here these are my wants. thanks for looking

3x Temple of Malice
2x Rakdos Return
1x Dreadbore
1x Assemble the Legion


Hey only willling to trade the flats towards a playset of blood crypt and other lands fom this list!
4x temple of malice
1x temple of silence
1x Godless shrine
1x Mutavault.
Hit me with an offer for any of these!


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I certainly do know that English is a euro language however I thought it was unnecessary to specify that in the post. I guess I should have
So for future reference and European language that is not english


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Help a brother out

Hey I need to get my hands on any European language SB dragon. Have an English on to trade towards it or my TL.


Hey just deciding to start making a karador design. Open to all suggestions or offer. Will need some commons and uncommon as well.
The cards I know I will want would some of the cheaper land base. (Shocks/pain lands)
Flesh bag maurader
Ranger of eos

Other than these first few things any ideas would be cool! Won't put this stuff in my wish list yet but put up offers anyways thanks for looking


aznman375 wrote:

I'm interested in looking at ALL lists. As to how expensive, it depends on what cards you're interested in from my tradelist. I wouldn't be against trading lots of cards for a really good list, for example, though if you just want one or two high valued cards from my list, I'd prefer a small "discount" on your deck (since in a sense I'm "trading down," but i do understand the effort that goes into making EDH decks and I'll take that into consideration)

Really, I'm very open to negotiation, and I'm sure we can work something out.

Hey hope this link works if not the list is on my profile it is a very cheap black vampire deck that has a lot of room for improvment! http://deckbox.org/sets/635766

I have a lower end mono-black vampire EDH deck. I can send a list if there is any interest in that. How expensive of a list are you looking for?
