Have a Phyrexian Altar (Chinese), 4x each of Krark-Clan Ironworks (Chinese), and Puresteel Paladin (Japanese) I've been looking to trade for a while now - I'll take basically any offer that's Modern/Legacy playable and equal in value. These have been in my trade binder for a long time now and buylists tend to pay very poorly for foreign cards. I also still have most of the small pieces for the Ironworks and Puresteel modern decks if you're interested.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to trade a New Phyrexia Karn Liberated for a pair of Modern Masters Arid Mesas, and willing to take a bit of a ht on value to do so. Let me know if you're interested.

Any interest in a foil Archangel of Thune?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

It's been a while since I've traded on Deckbox, but I'm looking to trade out of a couple decks.  I built into the Cheerios deck the day Sram was spoiled, and I'm now looking to trade out of it. With my Opals traded away, there's no sense in keeping Eggs around either. Ideally I'd like to make one big trade, and only keep the lands/other pieces that overlap with Ad Nauseam, but I can be flexible on either one of those.

Obviously things from my currently small wishlist are preferable, but I'll entertain all offers that have staples - Modern mostly, but also Legacy/EDH. Just open a trade if you're interested and we can talk details.


(1 replies, posted in Foil Traders)

So, I traded for a foil Archangel of Thune. In retrospect, I have no clue why. I'll take any reasonable and modern-playable offer, it doesn't need to be on my wishlist.

I have one that I can trade.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have the downfalls and fleecemanes, if you haven't filled them yet.

From the 4 Past in Flames, 4 Pyromancer Ascension, I assume that you disassembled UR Storm? I have some of the pieces that you're looking for that I can move from unlisted/inventory, if you're interested in trading the smaller pieces as well.


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a promo, I'll toss a trade your way.

Homeyjojo wrote:
VenocStorm wrote:

I don't care a ton about the foreign nature of it, but I'd be interested in trading for it at about $55-60.

Thats nice

So, is that interest in trading it? $60 is fair TCG price for an English foil, and German isn't on the high end of foreign desirability.

Any desire for a promo Tasigur?

I don't care a ton about the foreign nature of it, but I'd be interested in trading for it at about $55-60.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd potentially be interested in trading for most of it save a couple lands - let me know what you want (I can trade out of inventory/unlisted if need be).


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Prerelease promo Tasigur I'm looking to trade. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just let me take a look at your tradelist.

I know that there will be plenty of people looking for these after the unbannings, drop me a trade!

Not looking for anything specific, just looking at tradelists.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

BasedJeleren wrote:
VenocStorm wrote:

I need two - what are you looking to get for them?

Anything, really! I'm super interested in your Soulflayer promo if we can come to some compromise on the price?

Sounds great, we can definitely work something out.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need two - what are you looking to get for them?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I can't seem to find a value for a Promo Yun Shu, do you know what it is?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Promo, stamped Soulflayer from the prerelease. I'm looking for all offers, even (especially!) if it isn't on my wishlist.

The one thing I'm specifically looking for now is 3x Ugin's Fate Soul Summons, before they all disappear into bulk boxes.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Not necessarily overtrading, it all depends on the price. If I had an outlet to get rid of bulk rares at $0.10 each (I don't, sorry), I may be interested in trading a $5 card for 50 bulk rares, or whatever margin is acceptable for my time and postage.

Here is the decklist for Thrax: https://deckbox.org/sets/874258

I did remove a few pieces that I would prefer to keep (Snapcaster, Thoughtseize, Lands) because I only have one playset throughout my collection, but the vast majority of the deck's core is present. (plus, I can fill in with other similar pieces if you want me to)

I've played the deck to very great success, but realized that French EDH wasn't my cup of tea, and I haven't played it for quite some time. Therefore, the list there is very much open for trade or sale.

If you have any interest in a Grixis deck, I have a competitive French banlist 1v1 Thraximundar deck that I'd be interested in selling.

If you play on iPad at all, I have some iTunes gift cards that I'd be willing to trade.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sounds great, I'll start up a trade.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would potentially be interested in trading for a decent chunk of the deck - notably without a few of the lands that I already own. Would you be interested in a trade that didn't involve the Catacombs/Arbor/Blood Crypt?