JWu wrote:

interested in all 4 foil non-elesh norn praetor?

I actually would if the price is right, at the very least for the blue/black praetors. Feel free to browse my inventory and start up a discussion.

I could trade for a Foil Elesh depending on what you want for it. My heart aims for the judge promo eventually that I'll have to pay for. What would you want for the foil Elesh?

Hello hello, Deckbox users. It's been an awfully long time since I've used this site and dusted off my collection but I want to see what offers I can get. I have updated my inventory with all cards I currently possess of value and want to finish my Oloro EDH deck, since Standard stopped being fun for me years ago.

My inventory can be found here: https://deckbox.org/sets/248482?s=i&o=d

-As a note, I also possess the blue and white 2014 EDH decks if you need any singles from those

My wants can be found here: https://deckbox.org/sets/353474

My notable haves include:
1x Tropical Island
2x Plateau
3x Snapcaster Mage
1x Noble Heirarch
1x Sword of Fire and Ice (slightly played)
3x Misty Rainforest (slightly played)
4x Cavern of Souls
2x Blood Moon (1 MMA, 1 from Chronicles)
1x Nissa, Worldwaker
Other neat things

Primary wants include:
-The 5 Praetors (Elesh Norn, Core Auger, Sheoldred, etc.)
-General good Blue/White/Black Combo
-1x Vampiric Tutor
-1x Felidar Sovereign
-Again, anything I don't have on this list: https://deckbox.org/sets/353474?s=i&o=d

Thank you for your time and I hope we can negotiate some trades.

Hi there!

Currently I'm looking to build a general blanket fort EDH deck for casual play and am looking for some nifty Esper control pieces for the deck, with the commander being Oloro.

Anything in my inventory within reason is up for trade, and I'm not too keen about trading big pieces for small ones but if so I expect the side with smaller pieces to input a few extra bits for the trade.

Notable wants:
- Any tutors! (Vampiric, Personal, Diabolic Revelation, etc. I want them all!)
- The Esper Preators (Elsh Norn, Jin, Sheoldred)
- Chalice of Life/Death
- Counter spells (Hinder, Dromer's Charm, older spells)
- Basalt Monolith
- Rings of Brighthearth

Or really anything that you want to offer up in exchange. I personally prefer neat-looking cards and promos/textless just like everyone else.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and potentially help me out! I appreciate it thoroughly.

Hey there, I picked up a foil Sorin, Lord of Innistrad at the pre-release this weekend and while I would like to run it in my Orzhov deck, I'm not a big fan of foils.

I would ideally like to pull a 2-for-1 kind of deal, where either it's 2 regular Sorin for the foil, or 1 Sorin and more trade bait that adds up to the value. I value the foil Sorin at $50, but would come down a bit if I could get 2 regular Sorin cards + cheap trade fodder for the foil.