Topic: H: Misty's, Melira Pod pieces, Snaps, EDH etc. W: Esper Control

Hi there!

Currently I'm looking to build a general blanket fort EDH deck for casual play and am looking for some nifty Esper control pieces for the deck, with the commander being Oloro.

Anything in my inventory within reason is up for trade, and I'm not too keen about trading big pieces for small ones but if so I expect the side with smaller pieces to input a few extra bits for the trade.

Notable wants:
- Any tutors! (Vampiric, Personal, Diabolic Revelation, etc. I want them all!)
- The Esper Preators (Elsh Norn, Jin, Sheoldred)
- Chalice of Life/Death
- Counter spells (Hinder, Dromer's Charm, older spells)
- Basalt Monolith
- Rings of Brighthearth

Or really anything that you want to offer up in exchange. I personally prefer neat-looking cards and promos/textless just like everyone else.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and potentially help me out! I appreciate it thoroughly.

Re: H: Misty's, Melira Pod pieces, Snaps, EDH etc. W: Esper Control

Let me know if you see anything from my list you're interested in smile

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Re: H: Misty's, Melira Pod pieces, Snaps, EDH etc. W: Esper Control

From your wishlist I have a bribery, a snapcaster and a demonic tutor I could put towards a misty rainforest. Mind checking my tradelist and seeing if we can work something out?

Re: H: Misty's, Melira Pod pieces, Snaps, EDH etc. W: Esper Control

Started a conversation!