Yaco wrote:

I have encountered many problems with this update, and I don't know if they are bugs or if I don't understand the new features/changes.

All the problems are in the decks section.
First of all, I can't "autofill" my decks with cards from my collection anymore, I tried the "match details to collection" button and it doesn't seem to work, it just completes some cards but most of my cards remain with unselected versions. All my decks are now "versionless" and it is a pain to get them manually card by card on almost 100 decks.

Not to belabor the point but I think this much more succinctly covers my thoughts/feelings on this latest update, particularly the portion above regarding the "match details to collection" tool not really working. I'll also add that I used to be able to change the edition of a card by clicking the drop down on the set symbol but now have to go through extra steps of using the drop down on the card name and go through a series of sub-menus to pick an edition which is a lot clunkier and less efficient than it was before.

SirCharlesOfKanto wrote:

Also, some feedback: I understand that some may have felt that the "in my decks" dialog being on the same page as the card was too crowded, but personally feel that moving it to another page is a very bad change. I much preferred the old way and this new system adds what I view as unnecessary clicks/page loads.

I also second this. Having it load an entire second page is surprisingly hindering to quick deck construction.

The new system of matching card details is also very frustrating. Traditionally, if I found a decklist online that I liked, I would import that into a new deck and Deckbox would auto-assign whatever printings of those cards I had so it was very easy to see at a glance how many cards in a decklist I have in my inventory. I just imported a new decklist and I'm having to go manually card by card to match it to a printing which is incredibly tedious. I'm sure it's hard work to manage and update these features and I appreciate all the hardwork, just wanting to provide my feedback as well in the interest of always working towards a better version of this tool which I love.