I actually just got one the other day and was going to try and trade for magic cards. I'll shoot you a trade and see if we can work something out.

Interested in a Voice shooting you a trade

Just went and found my pod cards and sent you a trade.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have some of the cards interested in Domri, will shoot you a trade.

Was interested in Domri's put up a trade request with you.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent you a trade

Seemed sketchy off the get go. I tried to offer him the cards he was looking for for regular trade but he seemed less inclined to trade away anything less than his promo codes. Then I took a look at his pending trades and was not surprised. I'm assuming he's going to be sending the same four promo codes to every one that tries to trade with him. I'm personally not going to trade for promo codes, and I don't think it's in any one else's best interest to either. The codes are most likely legit, but were also most likely procured though sketchier means.

Interested in your Wooded Foothills sending you a trade now so we can try and work something out.

Hi, I'm interested in your City of Traitors, I will send you a trade request.