Topic: H: wooded foothills, LOTV, Sword fire and ice, 4x snaps, hydra

hello I just wanna see what kinda trade offers I can get from these


Wooded foothills
liliana of the veil
Sword of fire and ice
Snapcaster mage x4
Kalonian hydra
archangel of thune

Send me the trades=]

Last edited by TBittenbender (2013-07-26 17:17:26)

Re: H: wooded foothills, LOTV, Sword fire and ice, 4x snaps, hydra

Interested in your Wooded Foothills sending you a trade now so we can try and work something out.

Re: H: wooded foothills, LOTV, Sword fire and ice, 4x snaps, hydra


Re: H: wooded foothills, LOTV, Sword fire and ice, 4x snaps, hydra


Re: H: wooded foothills, LOTV, Sword fire and ice, 4x snaps, hydra

Interested in Lilly, sent trade

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