Hey all,

Looking for a couple Blood Moons to trade for potentially. I have a couple other random cards on my wishlist as well, so feel free to send me a trade about any of those cards as well. In fact, if you see something you like off of my tradelist, go ahead and send me a trade regardless and I'll take a look through your lists to see if we can work something out.

Have a good one!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated! Still looking for a few cards to wrap together my list!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump! Trades underway, still looking for pieces, notably Twins and Serum Visions!


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I'm looking to get into modern and start comboing out with some U/R Splinter Twin. That said, I have specific pieces that I am still looking for to complete the deck [most of it]. Feel free to look at my wishlist and propose a trade if there are things on my tradelist that catch your eye. You can start a trade or post here and I will respond promptly.


Still looking for:

1x Pestermite
1x Spellskite
1x Serum Visions
1x Splinter Twin
1x Spell Snare
2x Blood Moon
1x Keranos, God of Storms
1x Roast
1x Ancient Grudge
1x Rending Volley
1x Threads of Disloyalty

1x Flooded Strand
1x Polluted Delta
1x Steam Vents

These are the major priorities. Other things on my wishlist come second.

Thanks for looking! Have a good one.

Pulled a Temple of Enlightenment, looking for a W/B/G shockland!

If you can find things that you want to trade your Griselbrand for, I'd be down.


Here's an imgur photo of it for your pleasure:


Aha, I see... yeah, lots of people want to try it out and I feel like it's a 4-of in most decks that would play it. B/W Tokens is going to be nuts, and Jund is going to have a field day with it too. U/B Fae will happen too probably? That's a lot of decks that want a lot of copies.

The people who bought it out at $20-30 each must have made a killing. I'm just glad I got one a year ago, during the SCG sale.

Thank you for the information. I can't really believe that the card is worth that much though, I think the price is highly inflated. It would have to be the single most expensive and sought after card in Modern.

Before I put it up on Ebay and lose out some money to fees, I figured I'd post here and see if anyone wants to purchase my foil promo Bitterblossom. It looks like they're going up to $130-150, but I'd be happy to sell it for $120. I would also pay for the shipping with DC.

If you're not interested in paying that price, post here and provide me with your tradelist, and maybe we can work something out. I will however value it a bit higher when trading for cards.

Thanks, have a great day.

Hey all! Just got back from the prerelease, didn't get much but I did manage to pull an Ephara. I'm looking for general trades, so even if you don't want her or don't have things on my wishlist, feel free to propose something and I'll take a look to see if we can even it out. Thanks! Have a good one.

Sorry, I didn't see much that was around the same value that I'm interested in. Thanks for your post though, have  a great one.

Hey all, just opened a new Thoughtseize that I don't have plans on using. Hoping to trade it for some things on my wishlist. I'm also looking for general trades that don't necessarily involve the Seize.

Hit me up with trades if you're interested! Thanks, have a great one.

Trade sent

Hey, I'm looking to swap my Mutavault for some of my higher-priced wishlist wants. If you have any of the aforementioned cards or want a Mutavault and have a tradelist, post here or send me a trade. Thanks!

Title sums it up, I'd rather have Ajani Goldmane for my cube than Ajani, Caller of the Pride. Post here or send me a trade (send me a trade preferably).





I actually bought the Kaalia deck off of a good friend of mine when he was leaving the MTG scene. I played it for a bit and improved upon it, but it wasn't my style. Thanks for looking.


Self explanatory. Any takers?

My Ajani, Caller of the Pride for your Ajani Goldmane.