Topic: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

Before I put it up on Ebay and lose out some money to fees, I figured I'd post here and see if anyone wants to purchase my foil promo Bitterblossom. It looks like they're going up to $130-150, but I'd be happy to sell it for $120. I would also pay for the shipping with DC.

If you're not interested in paying that price, post here and provide me with your tradelist, and maybe we can work something out. I will however value it a bit higher when trading for cards.

Thanks, have a great day.

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

fyi, tcgplayer has promo bitterblossom at 190

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

Thank you for the information. I can't really believe that the card is worth that much though, I think the price is highly inflated. It would have to be the single most expensive and sought after card in Modern.

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

It mainly stems from the fact that it being out of print for so long and being banned right at the inception of Modern no one has any. Now with it being unbanned in a competive format for the first time since Extended, the demand is through the roof.

So in the words of the great Snoop Dog (or lion) "Drop it like its hot, drop it like its hot"...

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

Aha, I see... yeah, lots of people want to try it out and I feel like it's a 4-of in most decks that would play it. B/W Tokens is going to be nuts, and Jund is going to have a field day with it too. U/B Fae will happen too probably? That's a lot of decks that want a lot of copies.

The people who bought it out at $20-30 each must have made a killing. I'm just glad I got one a year ago, during the SCG sale.

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers

Here's an imgur photo of it for your pleasure:

Re: H: Promo Bitterblossom W: Paypal or Offers
