2 2012-11-15 16:57:21
Re: Want: Bulk Commons/Uncommons (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I don't have anything exact in mind, I'm pretty flexible. I think shipping should be around $10-15 for the flat rate boxes. Then we add the value of the cards + time spent organizing the cards. What sounds fair for all that?
3 2012-11-14 23:52:30
Topic: Want: Bulk Commons/Uncommons (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Wants: Bulk, useful, common or uncommons or super-cheap rares.
Such as: Farseek, Vile Rebirth, War Falcon, Duress, Wild Mongrel, Rampant Growth, Dawn Charm, Oblivion Ring, Terminate, Sakura-Tribe Edler, Rancor, Moments Peace.
I'm trying to get back into magic and teach it to my friends, but we're all poor so I'm trying to amass the basic staples for as little as possible. So if you have lots of cardboard laying around, let's de-clutter your house, and clutter my apartment.
I don't care about the set they're in, I am just looking to build a collection of good cards so we can have a variety of decks on hand that aren't complete trash and can teach some fundamentals of the game to them.