What I tend to do is make the deck, and then manually adjust the cards in said deck in the leftmost column so that it fits the number of cards in the deck of that time that you actually own. It then appears to update the inventory.

I am actually going to try all of them one at a time. I have only been playing magic for about a year, so am trying to build up a solid card base and just experience everything.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I have posted a slightly amended deck of this one.

My reasons for running something like a Geist Honored Monk were so that there were chump blockers that could at least slow down a flying deck. It isn't ideal I am aware, but it is better than nothing. I have recently also considered inserting a Death's Presence into the deck to further boost any creatures that survive when the others die. Getting my hands on a Champion of Lambholt would be incredible. I don't own one, and don't know anyone who does.

When I was at the local FNM last week, I had no issue maintaining the creatures on the field despite there being at least two aggro decks that I faced against. Therefore I am fairly confident that I can look after the Primadox combo for at least long enough that it gets going.

Wanted for the deck therefore:

2 Champion of Lambholt
1 Collective Blessing
1 Rancor


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My thinking thus far is to put in something like Rancor to allow some of the smaller creatures to suddenly become combat monstors, particularly when or if they are chump blocked at some stage and I need to power through. I had considered Growing Ranks, but because the deck does not create an awful lot of tokens, it seems like a slightly redundant card.

I understand that this is the best place to come for things such as feedback on decks that are built. This is by no means a conclusive end to the deck, although I did go 1-3 at the most recent FNM for the first time ever with this deck. It does need refining, and I was thinking that you might all have something to say.

I am certainly looking for at least 1 more collective blessing simply to have the 7/7 mana dorks running around. It seems hilarious to me.

The idea of the deck is to ramp to the armada wurm as fast as possible, and get to that stage through the use of roaring primadox and elvish visionary meaning that in theory I can be have 3 or 4 draws in a single turn, meaning that the deck is thinned out fast, and therefore be able to throw down the big creatures such as the armada wurm fast. Temple Garden and Sunpetal Grove along with Arbor Elf and Avacyn's Pilgrim mean that it is hard to be mana screwed at any stage.

I have fishbowled the deck a number of times, and each time have had no issue with getting the mana out and onto the field, although a couple of hands needed mulliganing.


To be fair though, I might have to go through the whole process again soon enough as I have recently bought and won a fair amount of cards and not updated my profile here, therefore have no idea what is up to date and what isn't. Whoops.

On saying that though, my collection is only about 2,000 cards at the most, and maybe 1,600 when all the lands are taken out.

It took me two afternoons. Roughly. I mean I wasn't working full time on it, but it took me about 2 afternoons to do 2000 cards, although I was also separating them and organising by names, colours and mana costs at the same time.

Whilst I am not against the idea of splashing a third colour, I alas do not personally own cards that would give me a decent synergy with the rest of the idea for this deck, so that would most likely have to be a longer term plan. I do however appreciate the idea, and will keep a note of it.

You are right in that Roaring Primadox is perhaps a little weak. However, without dropping about $100 into the game (hard to do on a student budget) it is going to be difficult to get the Restoration Angel or the Sudden Disappearance into my deck.

Also, in the case of Sudden Disappearance, it is a 6 mana card for a one off effect. Whilst it would indeed mean that all the triggers would indeed fire at the same time, it is a very expensive card for a similar effect to the Roaring Primadox, especially when you consider it can only be used in my turn rather than as a response to another player's actions.

Restoration Angel is another card that is very very good. But again for me the idea is to be able to make whatever triggers I have fire repeatedly. If I can use the Azorius Arrester or Azorius Justicar to detain the larger creatures, then the rest of the game each turn becomes more and more simple. Keep in mind also that using cards such as Acidic Slime, it is possible to create a situation where the opponent is mana screwed thanks to my removal of their lands, therefore making that another method to theoretically create a win.

I have also looked at the heavy reliance that the deck has on the Primadox to function, and believe that using Ajani, Caller of the Pride, I can shore up that reliance and hopefully make it so that the lynchpin is harder to kill. All that needs to now happen is for me to work out a way to get more loyalty counters onto Ajani, Caller of the Pride, if such a thing were possible.

In other words, using creatures such as thragtusk to create creature tokens and give me life in such a way to draw the game out long enough that a small army of tokens from both the Thragtusk and Geist-Honored Monk will be able to chip away at the life total of the person, and also at the same time act as a defensive screen for larger creatures.

It might not be the strongest deck in the world thanks to its heavy reliance on using the Roaring Primadox for its effects, but I believe it will be a fun one to play, and thus all that is currently stopping me from playing it is the lack of a side board.


I came across this site yesterday and quickly made a deck (primadox) once my cards were uploaded.

It is based around the detain mechanic, as well as using the Roaring Primadox to make sure that those enter the battlefield triggers come into effect as much as possible.

With the mana dorks being used to hold the line and allow the bigger cards to come in faster, as well as the acidic slime being used as removal along with Oblivion Ring for bigger stuff the opponent throws. Once Geist-Honored Monk and Angel of Serenity come into play then the battle should more or less be won.

The question is basically what am I actually missing with the deck, and therefore what to sideboard to make the deck more versatile and give more options therefore.

Please help