Would it be possible to allow us to get emailed when there is a new comment in a trade?


Good job on the updates, and great to see how rapidly you respond to feedback, it's really impressive. I have two minor gripes with the updates that I would love to share with you:

- The dual pricing in inventory/tradelist view I find really quite distracting, particularly when there is only one price rather than both for certain cards. You end up with inconsistent spacing for the set/condition information, making it rather hard to scan down and look for stand out rarities or for foils etc. I'm currently going through my collection adding all the information for each card and I'm finding it much harder to see cards that don't have set information on them because the indentation of different is all crazy and wobbly due to missing sale price. See the screen shot for reference. Suggested solutions: Personally I am not at all interested in the green sale price as I only trade, I'd like to be able to turn off, alternatively when the green price is not available, still pad the rest of the row as though it was there, as though it was the same width as the trade price, that way alignment would be consitent.

- The pop up for card information doesn't work when zooming in on iPhone. I would click a card to then edit the set info, inventory count, condition, see what decks its in. Sometimes I'd zoom in to get a closer look and this is now very broken, the pop up maintains its height and positoin regardless of zoom

I'd like to add, that I am seriously impressed and grateful for the free awesome website you guys produce, I provide this feedback simply to help you improve it even more smile
