HikingStick wrote:
botondus wrote:

I was wondering.... how do you sort your multicolor cards?
You just have a separate "Color" category for each color combination?

It's really a preference thing. For sets that are primarily mono-color (e.g., M12, M13), I put the multi-color cards in a single small subsection after all the color sections, but before colorless. In sets that have a strong multi-color focus (e.g. RTR, GTC), I put the multi-colored cards in their own sections and between the sections for the card colors (e.g., B - BR - R - RU - U - UW - W - WG - G - GB).

I like that Idea; putting the multi-color cards inbetween the mono's.  Think I'll do that with my newer sets (standard, basically).  I recently got back into magic after taking a hiatus since Kamigawa.  All of my older cards are organized by color and then by creature vs non-creature.  I think with the new sets I've collected I'll organize by set->color->alphabetical.

Leashah wrote:

I started in October 2011 and I'd say it took us the better part of an entire year to get completely caught up.

We were NOT diligently working on it, more like a night or two every few weekends. And we'd do quite a spurt whenever we got new cards. AND we were sorting and alphabetizing at the same time (which we did once, and then changed our system so we had to do it all over again and THEN we had a Magic closet catastrophe and had to do it ALL OVER a third time because boxes and boxes and boxes of cards dumped on the floor = BAD.)

Don't Open THAAATTT!!

Hmm, not sure how those cards are going to be able to work together.  You have to have the enchantment in play for its ability to trigger and win you the game, but the Spite will sacrifice the Barren GLory.  I guess you could tap 9 mana total and play the Spite first then the Barren Glory.
Maybe you could keep the Spite in the deck as a last ditch attempt to kill the opponent but use other cards to achieve your Barren Glory victory.  Zuran Orb lets your sac lands and is still pretty cheap.  Add some Wrath of God's to clear the board and your own creatures.  Then some Disenchant to destroy your Zuran Orb?
You could fill the rest of the deck with walls or Holy Day or Pacifism, etc.  Stall them out until you can play your Barren Glory and sac your lands to the orb, then Disenchant it on the end of their turn?
...  WIN!!



(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not me personally, but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNrT4HOVW2Q

Might be a help.  Looks like a pretty nice product.



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I am sure they are working on all sorts of fancy new features and improvements.  You should take a gander often at the announcements forum to see if what you want is planned for a future update.

Me? I"m hoping to be able so sift through inventory by entering which page of the collection you want to teleport to.  Maybe a jump to alphabet letter too.


Hamish wrote:

Hi everyone, new user here and new to MTG generally.

Having bought a bunch of commons from ebay just to get me started, I was immediately faced with the problem I assume every collector faces:
How the hell do I organise it all?

That is when I found DeckBox and I am very glad!

Having put about half my cards into my DeckBox inventory, I realised that it might sometimes be useful to be able to have the same inventory offline, in the free software Magic Assistant. However, there was no way I was going to manually input all the same cards a second time.

I noticed DeckBox has an export to csv feature and to cut a long story short I have written a script that converts this .csv output into the xml format used by a collection in Magic Assistant. Unfortunately, because the exported csv doesn't include each card's unique id number I had to use (and heavily edit) a website scraper that gets this information directly from Gatherer.

However, after working on it for most of the day (I'm learning to program at the same time) it finally seems to work, and I'm happy with myself!

Only really posting on here to say that this exists and if anybody would like a copy of my script then please let me know in this thread or message me with your contact details.

NB. the script is written in python and is a bit rough around the edges, but it works if you put the files in the right place.


I don't use Magic Assistant myself.  Will have to look into it.
Sounds like you've put some work into it.  You might think of posting the python code up to pastebin or another such site and then link to it here and maybe over at www.reddit.com/r/magictcg
I think plenty of folks would be grinny to have its use!



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1432455157 wrote:

Upper right tools corner.

View >> Print

It will give  you a list of cards.



Go to inventory.

Upper right tools corner.

Import >> Card List



Neat.  Was looking at all my decks that I have.  Was wondering how that was going to work.  /jig

frankenskid wrote:

It took me a few years of on again off again sorting to get my 100k card alphabetized, and then a few more weeks of not hours at a time just to get all the rares cataloged. It was fairly easy getting everything put into here as I already had it all in spreadsheets on google drive......

I have been feeling daunted looking at all the cards I have yet to enter.  Then I read your post; WOW I have way less work than you have done!
I think I have about 30k or so cards left to enter.  Sorta a chore, but I actually end up having fun every time I slog through a chunk.  It's been a long time since I've played with or even seen some of these cards.  Finding cards I forgot I had and getting ideas for new decks.....   NNOOOOOO!! NOT MOR DECKS!!!

Hello Deckbox.  I've only recently started using this site and I love it.  You guys have done a great job and you rock.
I've skimmed through this thread and don't see anyone mentioning the feature I've recently been hoping for:

---The ability to jump to part of your collection based on page number or maybe even better by alphabet number?

I've got a large collection that is going to take me hours and hours to enter and it would be nice to jump to where i am currently entering in my collection (I'm sorting alphabetically and then entering them).  Also:

---The ability to do a search like this: L*   and have it list all cards in collection that start with L.  Or any other type of search by wildcard, etc.

Anyway, love this site and thank you for the awesomeness you all provide!!