(25 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Fixed Commander 2015 bad icon & positioning.

Hate to be that guy Sebi, but the Commander 2015 image in the 'Extra' column of 'Editions' still appears as Oath.
Keep being awesome!!


(25 replies, posted in Announcements)

Layout and Search box are really neat tweaks.

Commander 2015 now appears to be having some positioning problems in the extras slot and card selection with the Oath set symbol.
Any idea why these two sets are behaving so oddly with each other?


(25 replies, posted in Announcements)

CardboardGraffiti wrote:

The set symbol for "Extras: Commander 2015" is now showing up as the OGW set symbol for me.

The set unique tokens that I have added have the "Oath of the Gatewatch" set symbol, but the Eldrazi Scions and Zombie are showing up with the set symbol of "Extras: Commander 2015".


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Started this because I didn't know where else to put it.

These are easy fixes that can be done without making a deal about it in an update to maintain the site's quality and awesomeness.
(Also because I pick up on these small details tongue)

In the "Face the Hydra Deck", card #16 (The Protector) is not properly capitalized.
On the main profile page, under "Market Deals", when you hover over the grey shipping price, the popup says "Shippping Prices Starting From".

Keep up the awesome work! smile

The art for the Duel Deck Anthology tokens are not available, only the ones from the original Duel Decks, which were printed in a different style.
The "Helvault Experience" Promo Angel/Demon token uses the art from the Avacyn Restored set, rather than it's own.
All of the Commander 2014 tokens are double sided but are only available to be added as two separate items.