Every time a new set is released, there are some cards that are reprinted. Most of the time this isn't a big deal, but for rares it kind of is.

I would love to be able to see what rares I have in inventory from previous editions that are now standard again, so I can easily go pull those out of my non-standard archives to use in standard again.

I assume this would be some kind of search filter option.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, me too. It's been years since it was asked for. I just subscribed to the premium account in the hopes that my request would be taken more seriously (which is listed as a "feature" of being a premium account subscriber).


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bump! I'd still love to have API access. Besides deck data, it would be great to get card prices from here. I'm curious where the values are originating from though.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Version 1.08 has been released to fix problems associated with Deckbox changes.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I finally got around to updating the exporter to 1.08 to work with the current data format from deckbox.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I haven't used octgn in a while so I haven't noticed. Deckbox often changes its data formatting so the app breaks often. If deckbox ever offered a reliable API this wouldn't keep happening. sad


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Version 1.07 has been released to fix problems associated with Deckbox changes.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Version 1.07 has been released to fix problems associated with Deckbox changes.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi Sebi. Has there been any progress on the API? I noticed that my exporter is broke again because of changes to the JSON in the HTML. (specifically, the "count" value is null for everything)

Oh, I did notice the deck export feature, which exports as CSV. That would be useful for my exporter to use if I could request an exported CSV file directly. I'm looking into what URL you're using to request it, but any help here would be appreciated.

(edit) I found the URL: http://deckbox.org/sets/export/[deck id]?format=csv&s=&o=&columns=

As long as this csv format doesn't change, this should work great until a real API is finished.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you search on "exile" for Devouring Light, you don't get results. It appears that it's only using the old rules text of "remove...from the game" instead of "exile". Can you include both versions of rules text to make rules filtering work?



(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have posted 1.06 of this app:
Changed to parse the JSON found in the source HTML, instead of the HTML itself. This may prove to be more reliable, and is a step in the direction of using a real API.

Known issue:
The JSON generated by deckbox.org appears to have a bug where if a card is in both the main deck and the sideboard, it will only show up in one or the other, not both.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Ugh, I just noticed yesterday that this exporter was broke again due to site changes. And I'm not quite sure how to handle these latest changes.

I found some handy-looking JSON in the source code (passed in as the contructor for new Tcg.Deck), which seems to include card info for the current deck, but it's not 100% correct when it comes to the sideboard. If you have the same card in both the main deck and the sideboard, it doesn't show up in the sideboard at all in this data.

Sebi, please advise.

[Edit] Actually I noticed that sometimes the cards are in the sideboard, sometimes in the main deck, but never in both like they should be (if the same card is in both).


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have posted 1.05 of this app:
Fixed issue with exporting cards that start with the combined "AE" symbol, such as "AEtherize" ("Aetherize").


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I just noticed that when filtering on "Standard" format, Journey Into Nyx isn't included in the results.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have updated this program to accommodate recent changes to deckbox.org.

Sebi, I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but a simple API to request data would be great! Returning deck lists and card lists as JSON seems like it would be just as easy (if not easier) than building the HTML for the web page.

Thanks for the site, I think it's a very valuable resource to the Magic community.


Oh, sorry about my last reply. I didn't realize this was the thread for a different app instead of my deckbox->OCTGN converter for Windows.

SiliticX wrote:

Is this still being developped? cause its a great start, but it could use some filtering.

It's just a little side thing I did mainly for my own benefit but I could add features like filtering. I personally don't have more decks than what fits in the list so I didn't think of filtering but its a good idea.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Sorry about that. The link has been fixed. Yes, the app still works. I use it all the time myself.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks! By the way, I noticed that "Blessing is an uncommon card that is returned in the rare filters. Maybe because it was rare in some old edition?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

When I search for magic cards using the advanced filter option, I am not seeing nearly all the cards that should be showing up. Attached is a screenshot of an example.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

v1.02 has been released to fix an issue with seeing the proper card images, due to OCTGN changing the path where images are stored.

sebi wrote:

Octgn export is coming soon, directly on deckbox, even before the API big_smile

Cool! What is the estimated time of arrival of this feature?

Also, I'm curious how you will determine the GUID's to use for the OCTGN cards. My exporter program does it by scanning the OCTGN's installed card set.xml files, matches the cards by name (with a minor tweak or two due to inconsistencies between deckbox and OCTGN), then uses the version of the card that has an image available for OCTGN if possible. I'm very curious how the built-in exporter will handle that.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I posted in the deck building forum about this, but wanted to spread the word a little...



(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Note to deckbox devs... this app currently just parses the HTML from your site. It would be much nicer to have an API to request deck data as JSON. Changing your site's HTML will probably break this app.


(12 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey all, I created a little app to export decks from Deckbox so that you can use them in OCTGN.
The download is about 11kb.


This is from the included ReadMe.txt, just in case you want to know more about it before downloading:

Deckbox to OCTGN is a little application I made so that I wouldn't have to keep creating Magic decks in both places.

I like using deckbox.org to manage my Magic card collection, and I like the deck builder that is built in because it allows me to see what cards I own and what cards I still need for a deck I'm building.

I like using OCTGN to play test decks with my friend over the internet.

Now I can build the deck in one place - deckbox.org - and quickly export it to OCTGN using this app.


1. Sign up for an account at www.deckbox.org (it's free).
2. Get OCTGN at www.octgn.net (it's free).
3. Install the Magic game in OCTGN. This creates a bunch of card sets without images.
4. Run this app.
5. Specify the root OCTGN folder (use the Browse button to make it easier).
6. Enter your deckbox.org user name (no password is needed since this app only reads data that is publicly available).
7. Select a deck from the decklist - the cards will be listed on the right.
8. Click Export, navigate to where you save your OCTGN decks, and save it.

If you are actively tweaking a deck during playtesting, you may leave deckbox.org, this app, and OCTGN running at the same time.
1. Make deck changes in deckbox.org.
2. Click "Refresh Cards" on the selected deck (assuming the deck is already selected that you just updated in deckbox).
3. Export again.
4. Re-load deck in OCTGN.


NOTE: When exporting a deck, often there will be cards that are part of several different Magic sets. It will prefer to use cards that have an image available in OCTGN. If you have no images available for a particular card, it will use whatever one it happens to find first in all the sets, and OCTGN will automatically generate a proxy card image for it. If you see proxy card images that means you don't have the real image for the card.

This is the initial release of this app, and I expect that it may break when deckbox.org makes changes to their web site. Please contact me if you have issues.

